
🖥 Compiler optimisation

Primary LanguageOCaml

Pja3 compiler optimisation

Project Structure

The main program for this package is jlite_main.ml.

It makes use of the data structure file "jlite_structs.ml" to construct parse trees, and "ir3_structs.ml" to construct "ir3" intermediate three-address code.

Lastly, it provides the data sturture file "arm_structs.ml" to construct the assembly code.


To compile the project, run


To run unit tests, run

make unit

To remove compiled files, run

make clean

To run the compiled code, download the docker image and run it by

docker pull falconets/pja3
# Assumes pwd = /pja3 folder
docker run -d -it --name proj --mount type=bind,source="$(pwd)",target=/usr/local/src/pja3 falconets/pja3:latest

To access the docker container to run the arm code

docker exec -it proj /bin/bash
# after accessing bash
make run

How it works

The sequence of constructing the compiler is through the following steps

  1. Basic block construction
  2. Flow graph
  3. Liveness analysis
  4. Global liveness analysis
  5. Peephole
  6. Register Allocation
  7. Arm generation


Register Allocation

As modern cpus have registers that are magnitudes of difference with optimised allocation.

We use a special form of register allocation known as linear scan, following the 1999 paper regarding the algorithm.

Register allocation to variables in a single linear-time scan of the variables’ live ranges. The linear scan algorithm is considerably faster than algorithms based on graph coloring, is simple to implement, and results in code that is almost as efficient as that obtained using more complex and time-consuming register allocators based on graph coloring.

Peephole Optimization (for IR3):

Eliminating use of temporary variables.

For example:

Int Func(MyClass this) {
  Int x;
  Int _t1;
  Int _t2;
  Int _t3;
  Return x;

is transformed to

Int Func(MyClass this) {
  Int x;
  Int _t3;
  _t3=[1, 1](+);
  Return x;

Strength Reduction

Strength reduction replaces a more expensive operator by a cheaper one.

Int twice;
twice = 2 * X;

is transformed to

Int twice;
twice = X + X;

Constant Folding

Constant folding evaluates constant expressions at compile time and replaces them by their value.

For example:

Int Func(MyClass this) {
  Int x;
  Int _t3;
  _t3=[1, 1](+);
  Return x;

is transformed to

Int Func(MyClass this) {
  Int x;
  Int _t3;
  Return x;

To enable all optimizations

# after make run
./jlite main [option] armTests/simple.j


-O    Enable all optimizations


There are some test cases available in the directory "armTests". In this directory, we provide the test cases (files end with extension "j"), and sample compiled assembly codes (files end with extension "s"). However, please note that the assembly code you produce will definitely be different from these codes.