
Challenge binaries (CBs) and tools from DARPA's Cyber Grand Challenge (CGC)

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CGC Challenge Binaries

This repository holds challenge binaries (CBs) and tools from DARPA's Cyber Grand Challenge (CGC). Specifically, this is a fork of the CGC samples repository on GitHub, into which the following CGC tools have been incorporated: libcgc, cgc2elf, service-launcher, poll-generator, cb-testing.

Portions of Trail of Bits' libcgc implmentation have also been incorporated, along with GrammaTech modifications to provide compatibility across ISAs (we have successfully built CBs for x86-32, x86-64, and ARMv7).


The repository is laid out as follows:

Path Contents
bin/ Utility scripts useful for building and running tests
cqe-challenges/ CBs from the CGC qualifying event
debian/ Debian packaging folder (unchanged from DARPA)
examples/ CB samples and CFE challenges
lib/ libcgc implementation
Makefile DECREE build and test (unchanged from DARPA)
templates/ Templates for writing CBs (unchanged from DARPA)
tools/ Collected CGC tools developed by DARPA.


The test tools require that some Python packages be installed:

    sudo pip install pycrypto pyyaml matplotlib defusedxml

And you must build the service launcher (used by cb-test to feed inputs into CBs):

    cd tools/service-launcher

Building and Testing Challenge Binaries

  • Set PATH and PYTHONPATH environment variables to point to scripts needed to build and run pollers:

      . sourceme.sh
  • In a challenge directory, run build.sh <output name> <compiler and flags>. For example, to build a 64-bit binary using gcc with optimization on a 64-bit machine:

      cd cqe-challenges/CROMU_00003
      build.sh CROMU_00003 gcc -O3
  • Each CB is accompanied by a README.md file that describes the program, how to interact with it, vulnerabilities embedded in the CB, and potential difficulties in analyzing it.

  • CGC challenge binaries can be tested for correctness with input/output pairs called "pollers". Pre-built pollers are archived at /u4/TARBALLS/rewriting/cgc-cbs_poller_inputs.tar.xz. Unpack these from the root of the repo to extract xml.tgz archives in each challenge's poller/for-testing and/or poller/for-release directory(ies):

      cd cgc-cbs
      tar xf /u4/TARBALLS/rewriting/cgc-cbs_poller_inputs.tar.xz --strip-components=1
      cd cqe-challenges/CROMU_00003/poller/for-release
      tar xf xml.tgz

    You can also generate these poller inputs by using the generate-polls tool. Each challenge is accompanied by a state machine and state graph that the tool uses to generate poller inputs. Often there are two sets of these specifications, in poller/for-testing and poller/for-release. The differences aren't clear and we tend to use the for-release inputs.

      cd poller/for-release
      generate-polls machine.py state-graph.yaml .
  • Use the cb-test tool to feed test input into the challenge binary and check its output. One can use the --xml option to specify one or more xml files or the --xml_dir option to point to an entire directory of pollers (i.e., point to a for-release or for-testing directory). See documentation in tools/cb-testing for more details. Examples follow:

      # from inside cgc-cbs/cqe-challenges/CROMU_00003:
      # directory of pollers
      cb-test --directory . --cb CROMU_00003 --xml_dir poller/for-release
      # single poller
      cb-test --directory . --cb CROMU_00003 --xml poller/for-release/GEN_00000_00489.xml

Imported subtrees

The following subdirectories of this repository were added using git subtree and may be updated using the following commands.

  • tools/cb-testing

      git subtree pull --prefix=tools/cb-testing https://github.com/CyberGrandChallenge/cb-testing.git master
  • tools/cgc2elf

      git subtree pull --prefix=tools/cgc2elf https://github.com/CyberGrandChallenge/cgc2elf.git master
  • tools/poll-generator

      git subtree pull --prefix=tools/poll-generator https://github.com/CyberGrandChallenge/poll-generator.git master
  • tools/service-launcher

      git subtree pull --prefix=tools/service-launcher https://github.com/CyberGrandChallenge/service-launcher.git master
  • lib/libcgc

      git subtree pull --prefix=lib/libcgc https://github.com/CyberGrandChallenge/libcgc.git master