train a QAT network for mnist data and convert it to TensorRT engine.

Primary LanguagePython


Show how to use QAT in TF1.15 to train a network for mnist and convert it into TensorRT engine. In my tests, result is correct. Do it step by step.

docker pull nvcr.io/nvidia/tensorflow:22.06-tf1-py3 with Trt8

start the image and git clone the repo,install the requirments

pip install -r requirements.txt

  • 1 python3 qat_training.py
  • 2 python3 export_freezn_graph.py
  • 3 python3 fold_constants.py -i saved_results/frozen_graph.pb
  • 4
  python3 -m tf2onnx.convert --input saved_results/folded_mnist.pb --output saved_results/mnist_qat.onnx --inputs input_0:0 --outputs softmax_1:0 --opset 11 
  • 5 python3 build_engine.py --onnx saved_results/mnist_qat.onnx --engine saved_results/mnist_qat.trt -v

  • 6 python3 infer.py -e saved_results/mnist_qat.trt -b 1

can infer onnx model by python onnx_infer1.py