
Utility to manage container deployments on AWS-ECS. Can deploy entire Consul stack along with registrator on ECS as docker service

Primary LanguagePython

ECS Container management

This tool provisions your stack on ECS clusters. We can integrate this with CI-instances or run via command-line to manage our ecs deployments. Also packaged are dockerfiles for consul-client, consul-master and registrator.

Why use this

  • Deploy an app to multiple ECS clusters
  • Scale up or down your container instances
  • Integrate with your CI environment for deployments
  • Manage container lifecycle ( create, update and delete )


Script works in two different modes:

  • Single file : Specify individual config file name and service will be updated for one single file

  • Multiple files: Do not specify any file and any file in base directory will be processesed.

NOTE: Base directory is ${SCRIPT_DIR}/config/


  1. An ECS cluster containing minimum one instance
  2. Instances should have ECS agent along with docker running on instances
  3. If a service exists, it cannot be recreated to achieve idempotency. It has to be updated using update option
  4. For deploying consul-clusters, EC2 instances ( client and master ) need to have a common tag in order for consul-cluster to work
  5. Please visit dockerfiles directory for more information and take a look at the sample config files.


  1. Boto3
  2. Python YAML

Tool usage:

usage: orchestrate.py [-h] [-r REGION] [-f CONFFILE] [-c COUNT] [-v] [-e ENV] (--create | --update | --delete)


There are some issues with setting up autoscaling based on both CPU and Memory at a same time. Currently, We can't set AND|OR condition in service autoscaling. So setting up CPU and Memory based autoscaling at a same time might trigger two confliting alarms at a same time. i.e we can have a situation where one alarm would try to scalein and other would try to scaleout at a same time.

Arguments for managing services with ecs:

-h, --help   show this help message and exit
-r REGION    OPTIONAL: Region. Default is us-east-2
-f CONFFILE  OPTIONAL: Config to pass for parsing. An individual file can be passed for one-off deployments.
-c COUNT     OPTIONAL: Count for scaling up or down, If not specified, wil be picked from update conf file
-v           OPTIONAL: Verbose flag
-e ENV       OPTIONAL: Target environment [ dev,qa,stage ]. Default is dev
--create     REQUIRED/EXCLUSIVE : Create a service from task definition
--update     REQUIRED/EXCLUSIVE : Update a service. [ task defs, container count etc]
--delete     REQUIRED/EXCLUSIVE : Delete a service from specified cluster



 python orchestrate.py -e dev -f config/dev/test.yaml -v --create 
 -- Will create desired services on ECS cluster printing information on console 
 python orchestrate.py -e dev -f config/dev/test.yaml -v --update
 -- Will update image for running containers
 python orchestrate.py -e dev -f config/dev/test.yaml -v -c 10 --update
 -- Will update count to 10 for containers given cluster has the capacity 
 python orchestrate.py -e dev --create 
 -- Will create services for .yaml files in config/dev directory 

Example yaml:

# Yaml formate to manage entire lifcycle of containers
# We define four stages as of now viz:
# 1. Tak registration
# 2. Service creation
# 3. Service updates
# 4. Service deletion
# Assumption:
#      - Images are available in ECR repo or docker-hub
#      - Cluster is up and running with container instances
# More information : http://boto3.readthedocs.io/en/latest/reference/services/ecs.html

  - appname: Test
    family: TEST
    taskRoleArn: ''
     - cpu: 200
       memory: 2048
       memoryReservation: 1024
         - hostPort: 0
           containerPort: 9080
       # We can use docker-hub images as well
       image: 953030164212.dkr.ecr.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/test-service
       name: test
       essential: True
       privileged: False
       - sourceVolume: logs
         containerPath: /var/log/test-app/
         readOnly: False
          - name : APP_ENV
            value: dev
          - name: CONF_HOME
            value: /opt/apps-java/config
          # This environment variable is for registrator to identify service
          - name: SERVICE_NAME
            value: test
           name: test-service-containers
           - no-new-privileges
      - name: logs
          sourcePath: /var/log/apps/

    # Service parameters will be used to create service
    # We can add load balancers alo if required.
    # Please visit : http://boto3.readthedocs.io/en/latest/reference/services/ecs.html#ECS.Client.create_service

      - cluster: applications-dev
        serviceName: test-service
        # Task definition is family:revision.
        # Creat service on latest revision and use update to roll back o deploy new version
        taskDefinition: TEST
        desiredCount: 2
        clientToken: test-service
           maximumPercent: 200
           minimumHealthyPercent: 50
    # ******************************************************************
    # Service Update parameters will be used to update running service
    # ******************************************************************
      - cluster: applications-dev
        serviceName: test-service
        # Desired count also can be updated via commandlinee
        desiredCount: 2
        # Specify task def revision to roll back
        taskDefinition: TEST
           maximumPercent: 200
           minimumHealthyPercent: 50
    # **********************************************************************
    # Service delete will be used to delete services where running count is 0
    # Cannot be used via automated tools as it requires user confimration
    # **********************************************************************
      - cluster:  applications-dev
        serviceName: test-service