
An investigation into urban heat islands in Vancouver.

Primary LanguagePython

The Urban Heat Island Effect in Vancouver

This repo contains the paper and software used to answer the question:

Does Vancouver, a mid-latitude coastal city, have a defined urban heat island? What factors influence temperature patterns in Vancouver?


This repo contains my IB Geography Internal Assesment for the May 2023 examanation session. It can be found here. A large component of writing the paper involved creating isotherms and other maps. These maps were generated with Python, and can be found under /graphs.


To Regenerate all the maps, run

python3 main.py graphs/building.png -bu && python3 main.py graphs/vegetation.png -ve && python3 main.py graphs/isotherm.png -co && python3 main.py graphs/tags.png -ta && python3 main.py graphs/tempratures.png -te && python3 3d.py graphs/3d-full.png -f && python3 3d.py graphs/3d-contour.png -c

The temperature, vegetation, and building data the paper is based on can be found under ./data. The satelite imagery can be found under back.png and back-bright.png.

main.py handles generation of the contour maps. To generate contour maps, run

python3 main.py path_to_output.png options

where options is

  1. -co for isotherms
  2. -te for individual temperatures
  3. -ta for letter tags
  4. -bu for buildings
  5. -ve for vegetation

3d.py handles generation of the 3d maps. To generate 3d maps, run

python3 3d.py path_to_output.png options

where options is

  1. -f for filled graphs
  2. -c for contours

All graphs used in the paper can be found under ./graphs.


  • Written by Liam Ilan
  • Thanks to Christoph Heindl for his implementation of the Thin Plate Spline algorithim, used in generating contours, found under /thinplate. The repo can be found at https://github.com/cheind/py-thin-plate-spline.