IFR Plate Scrape

pylint Score Code style: black


There are three major components in this repository:

  1. The plate_finder.py python script
  2. The plateScraperSwift Xcode project
  3. Some miscellaneous files that were used to learn how to do some of the parts of the scraping process.

Python Script


python[3] plate_finder.py

Does the following:

  • Begins a CLI that asks for an airport to view
  • When the airport has been selected, the CLI will present the available plates.
  • The user can then select a plate to view by entering the plate's number.
  • Alternatively, the user can enter an airport code to see a set of plates for the new airport.

Required Python Libraries:

Swift iOS Application


  1. Open the Xcode project using the .xcodeproj file.
  2. Build the project using Xcode
  3. Run it on an iPad simulator

Does the following:

  • Takes input from the user for an airport to view.
  • Presents the user with a list of available plates for that airport.
  • The user can select a plate to view.
  • The user can also enter a new airport to view.

Required Swift Packages: