Using Google Cloud Vision and React Native, this app tracks expenses from receipts.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
You need Node.js, React Native, Expo, Android Emulator(Genymotion) prior to installing.
- Install Node.js
- On Windows, Linux and MacOS, install the latest Node version from the Node.js website.
- Install React Native
- Install the latest React Native using npm
npm install -g react-native-cli
- Install Expo
- Intsall the latest Expo using npm
npm install expo-cli --global
With all the prerequisites installed, clone this repository with
git clone
- In Command Prompt:
- Go to file location in your machine:
cd EveryReceipt
- Install all dependencies with
npm install
- To run the program:
expo start --android
- Go to file location in your machine:
All work up to today
- You, the reader