
FD/RTM/FWI/TOMO/RayTracing, ISO/VTI/TTI, su/segy/sgy, C/C++/java, MPCH/OpenMPI/OpenMP/CUDA/, CWP/Madagascar

Primary LanguageC



Geophysical data processing methods, Program code implementation of geophysical data processing methods, including parallel algorithms (cuda, mpich, openmp, etc.) with finite difference forward modeling, inverse time migration, and full waveform inversion.

Key Words

Geophysical Medium

  • 2D (two dimension)
  • 3D (three dimension)
  • VTI (a kind of anisotropic)
  • TTI (a kind of anisotropic)
  • ISO (isotropic)

Geophysical Wave

  • acoustic wave (P, qP, "qSV")
  • Elastic wave (P, SH, SV)

Geophysical Methods

  • FD (Finite Difference)
  • RTM (Reverse Time Migration)
  • FWI (Full Waveform Inversion)
  • TOMO (Tomography)
  • RayTracing

Geophysical Gather

  • ADCIGs (Angel Domain Common Imaging Gather)

Geophysical file format

  • binary/data
  • SU (Seismic Unix.su)
  • segy (seg-Y .segy or .sgy)

Tools & Software

  • HPC (High-performance computing)
  • omp (openmp, multi-thread of CPU)
  • mpi (mpich or openmpi, multi-core/node)
  • cuda (NVIDIA CUDA-Toolkit, version>=7.5, multi-thread of GPU)

GUI Tools

  • GUI (Graphical User Interface)
  • gtk (GIMP Toolkit, version>=2.0, such as "gtk+-2.0" or "gtk+-3.0")
  • Qt (Qt-Creater Toolkit, C++)
  • software


Detail in Each README.md in Each Directory

Dependence && Envrionment


  • linux


  • gcc, nvcc, mpicc, javac


  • gcc, cuda, mpich/openmpi, openmp, Qt-Creater, gtk+-2.0/3.0, JDK, make/cmake