Seed Algorithm Code


There are three structures of code within SeedAlgorithm.

  • Array-based code
  • Struct-based code
  • Array of Structures of Arrays (AOSOA) - based code

This is designed to test the parallel processing speeds under different data architectures.

Running the Code

  1. In the src/ directory,
    $ make
  2. Move to the output directory,
    $ cd ../output/
  3. Transfer executables to the mic0
    $ scp 'filename' mic0:~/bin/
  4. Move to mic0
    $ ssh mic0
    % cd bin/
  5. Set environment variables and execute file**
    % export OMP_NUM_THREADS=122
    % ./'filename'

**This relies on the data file, seedDataFile.txt, being in data folder. Executable looks for data in, '../data/seedDataFile.txt'