Multiplayer Room Backend

A serverless back-end for managing rooms for a multiplayer lobby/room based game


This is a simple backend using Google Cloud Functions to allow users to create Rooms, join an existing Room, leave their current Room or query all available Rooms. The functions also create User objects storing the some basic user details, and each room records the users that are connected to that room. Rooms and Users are collections of Documents hosted on Firestore.


This was written as a quick one-day prototype to explore a system for publishing and discovering rooms for multiplayer games. This is my first project using Go, Protobuf, Google Cloud Functions and Firestore, so i don't gurantee any reliability or security of the code in this project. Creating projects with Firestore and Google Cloud Functions requires a Google Cloud account registered with a credit card number for identification.

Getting Started



Since this backend is created with Google Cloud Functions and Google Firestore, you'll need to setup a project on Google Cloud Platform. This will require a credit card number for proof of identification, but they give you free trial credits for individuals just prototyping.


  • Compile the proto files (Run '.\buildproto.bat')
  • Deploy the cloud functions (Run '.\deploy.bat RoomCreate', '.\deploy.bat RoomJoin', '.\deploy.bat RoomLeave', '.\deploy.bat RoomGetAll')


You can run the Google Cloud Functions via the Google Cloud dashboard. Under the Cloud Functions section, click your functions hamburger menu and select 'Test Function', or click the function name and navigate to the Testing tab. The testing tab will allow you to run the function and pass in a json object. The models that the functions take as parameters can be seen in Rooms.proto and Users.proto. E.g, the RoomCreate method requires a RoomCreateRequest object parameter and returns a RoomCreateResponse object, etc.