
User authentication plugin for mongoose nodejs orm

Primary LanguageJavaScript


User authentication plugin for mongoose node.js orm.

mongoose-auth enables you to support authorization in any number of ways via authorization strategies.

An authorization strategy is how you authorize your user. Currently mongoose-auth supports the following authorization strategies:

  • password
  • facebook
  • twitter
  • github
  • instagram

mongoose-auth does 3 things:

  1. Schema decoration
  2. (optional) Drop in routing for (connect)[https://github.com/senchalabs/connect] apps.
  3. (optional) Dynamic helpers for (express)[https://github.com/visionmedia/express] apps.

It integrates the everyauth module to help it take care of the routing and helpers. everyauth is a general purpose npm module for authentication & authorization that can be used independently of mongoose.

Schema Decoration

As you add successive authorization strategies, mongoose-auth at a bare minimum augments your schema with typed attributes corresponding to parameters related to your chosen authorization strategies. For example, if facebook is one of your authorization strategies, then it will add attributes to your User Schema such as 'fb.id' and 'fb.email'.

To decorate your schema: var mongoose = require('mongoose') , Schema = mongoose.Schema , mongooseAuth = require('mongoose-auth');

var UserSchema = new Schema({});
UserSchema.plugin(mongooseAuth, {
  facebook: true

Beyond Schema Decoration: Routing

Applications require more than just User Schema augmentation in order to implement a complete authorization strategy. Applications also need routes exposing the one or more steps involved for a given authorization strategy. Moreover, applications each handle in their own unique way how they want to respond to successful or failed logins (in addition to logout handling). If you are not using a (connect)[https://github.com/senchalabs/connect], then you will have to set all of this up yourself. In this case, mongoose-auth only provides you with Schema decoration.

But, if you are building your app on top of (connect)[https://github.com/senchalabs/connect], then mongoose-auth provides drop in solutions for you. Here is how you can get access to the routing that mongoose-auth provides. Not the "STEP X: ..." comments:

var mongoose = require('mongoose')
  , Schema = mongoose.Schema
  , mongooseAuth = require('mongoose-auth');

var UserSchema = new Schema({})
  , User;

// STEP 1: Schema Decoration and Configuration for the Routing
UserSchema.plugin(mongooseAuth, {
    facebook: {
      everyauth: {
          myHostname: 'http://localhost:3000'
        , appId: 'YOUR APP ID HERE'
        , appSecret: 'YOUR APP SECRET HERE'
        , redirectPath: '/'
        , User: function () {
            return User;

mongoose.model('User', UserSchema);


User = mongoose.model('User');

var app = express.createServer(
  , express.static(__dirname + "/public")
  , express.cookieParser()
  , express.session({ secret: 'esoognom'})
    // STEP 2: Add in the Routing
  , mongooseAuth.middleware()

// STEP 3: Add in Dynamic View Helpers 


Using Multiple Authorization Strategies at Once

You can also use multiple authorization strategies in the same application. Here is an example, using 5 authorization strategies:

// A configuration file for holding all of your
// 3rd party OAuth credentials
var conf = require('./conf');
// A configuration file for holding all of your
// 3rd party OAuth credentials
var conf = require('./conf');
UserSchema.plugin(mongooseAuth, {
    facebook: {
      everyauth: {
          myHostname: 'http://localhost:3000'
        , appId: conf.fb.appId
        , appSecret: conf.fb.appSecret
        , redirectPath: '/'
        , User: function () {
            return User;
  , twitter: {
      everyauth: {
          myHostname: 'http://localhost:3000'
        , consumerKey: conf.twit.consumerKey
        , consumerSecret: conf.twit.consumerSecret
        , redirectPath: '/'
        , User: function () {
            return User;
  , password: {
        everyauth: {
            getLoginPath: '/login'
          , postLoginPath: '/login'
          , loginView: 'login.jade'
          , getRegisterPath: '/register'
          , postRegisterPath: '/register'
          , registerView: 'register.jade'
          , redirectPath: '/'
          , User: function () {
              return User;
  , github: {
      everyauth: {
          myHostname: 'http://localhost:3000'
        , appId: conf.github.appId
        , appSecret: conf.github.appSecret
        , redirectPath: '/'
        , User: function () {
            return User;
  , instagram: {
      everyauth: {
          myHostname: 'http://localhost:3000'
        , appId: conf.instagram.clientId
        , appSecret: conf.instagram.clientSecret
        , redirectPath: '/'
        , User: function () {
            return User;


There is an example app located in ./example. To run it:

$ cd example
$ node server.js

Then navigate to http://localhost:3000/


MIT License


Brian Noguchi