
Script to create a software delay loop for the Picoblaze Architecture

Primary LanguagePython

Creates a software delay loop of a specified length for the Picoblaze Architecture

The output is something like this:

; The following code block is a software delay loop that delays
; for approximately 2 seconds on a 10MHz picoblaze, where each instruction
; takes 2 clock cycles. Exactly 10092701 instructions will be executed, taking
; 20185402 clock cycles. The exact time delay should be 2.0185402 seconds.
LOAD S0, 0x0
LOAD S1, 0x0
LOAD S2, 0xb3

    ADD S0, 0x01
    JUMP NZ, loop
    ADD S1, 0x01
    JUMP NZ, loop
    ADD S2, 0x01
    JUMP NZ, loop