In order to use the DataCite API the plugin requires the following perl libraries on to of EPrints requirements.
use LWP;
use Crypt::SSLeay;
Install the plugin from the bazaar and edit the following config files.
This config file contains all the configurable settings for the plugin, see comments bellow:
#Enable the plugin
$c->{plugins}{"Export::DataCiteXML"}{params}{disable} = 0;
$c->{plugins}{"Event::DataCiteEvent"}{params}{disable} = 0;
#which field do use for the doi
$c->{datacitedoi}{eprintdoifield} = "id_number";
#When should you register/update doi info.
$c->{datacitedoi}{eprintstatus} = {inbox=>0,buffer=>1,archive=>1,deletion=>0};
#set these (you will get the from data site)
# doi = {prefix}/{repoid}/{eprintid}
$c->{datacitedoi}{prefix} = "10.5072";
$c->{datacitedoi}{repoid} = $c->{host};
$c->{datacitedoi}{apiurl} = "";
$c->{datacitedoi}{user} = "USER";
$c->{datacitedoi}{pass} = "PASS";
# datacite requires a Publisher
# The name of the entity that holds, archives, publishes,
# prints, distributes, releases, issues, or produces the
# resource. This property will be used to formulate the
# citation, so consider the prominence of the role.
# eg World Data Center for Climate (WDCC);
$c->{datacitedoi}{publisher} = "Eprints Repo";
# Namespace and location for datacite XML schema
# feel free to update, though no guarantees it'll be accepted if you do
$c->{datacitedoi}{xmlns} = "";
$c->{datacitedoi}{schemaLocation} = $c->{datacitedoi}{xmlns}." ".$c->{datacitedoi}{xmlns}."/metadata.xsd";
# need to map eprint type (article, dataset etc) to ResourceType
# Controled list
# where v is the ResourceType and a is the resourceTypeGeneral
$c->{datacitedoi}{typemap}{article} = {v=>'Article',a=>'Text'};
$c->{datacitedoi}{typemap}{book_section} = {v=>'BookSection',a=>'Text'};
$c->{datacitedoi}{typemap}{monograph} = {v=>'Monograph',a=>'Text'};
$c->{datacitedoi}{typemap}{thesis} = {v=>'Thesis',a=>'Text'};
$c->{datacitedoi}{typemap}{book} = {v=>'Book',a=>'Text'};
$c->{datacitedoi}{typemap}{patent} = {v=>'Patent',a=>'Text'};
$c->{datacitedoi}{typemap}{artefact} = {v=>'Artefact',a=>'PhysicalObject'};
$c->{datacitedoi}{typemap}{performance} = {v=>'Performance',a=>'Event'};
$c->{datacitedoi}{typemap}{composition} = {v=>'Composition',a=>'Sound'};
$c->{datacitedoi}{typemap}{image} = {v=>'Image',a=>'Image'};
$c->{datacitedoi}{typemap}{experiment} = {v=>'Experiment',a=>'Text'};
$c->{datacitedoi}{typemap}{teaching_resource} = {v=>'TeachingResourse',a=>'InteractiveResource'};
$c->{datacitedoi}{typemap}{other} = {v=>'Misc',a=>'Collection'};
$c->{datacitedoi}{typemap}{dataset} = {v=>'Dataset',a=>'Dataset'};
$c->{datacitedoi}{typemap}{audio} = {v=>'Audio',a=>'Sound'};
$c->{datacitedoi}{typemap}{video} = {v=>'Video',a=>'Film'};
#### DOI syntax config ####
# Set config of DOI delimiters
# Feel free to change, but they must conform to DOI syntax
# If not set will default to prefix/repoid/id the example below gives prefix/
$c->{datacitedoi}{delimiters} = ["/","."];
# If set, plugin will attempt to register what is found in the EP DOI field ($c->{datacitedoi}{eprintdoifield})
# Will only work if what is found adheres to DOI syntax rules (obvioulsy)
$c->{datacitedoi}{allow_custom_doi} = 0;
#Datacite recommend digits of length 8-10 set this param to pad the id to required length
$c->{datacitedoi}{zero_padding} = 8;
### Override which URL gets registered ###
#Only useful for testing from "wrong" domain (eg an unregistered test server) should be undef for normal operation
$c->{datacitedoi}{override_url} = undef;
##### When to coin ? #####
#If auto_coin is set DOIs will be minted on Status change (provided all else is well)
$c->{datacitedoi}{auto_coin} = 0;
#If action_coin is set then a button will be displayed under action tab (for staff) to mint DOIs on an adhoc basis
$c->{datacitedoi}{action_coin} = 1;
# NB setting auto_coin renders action coin redundant as only published items can be registered
####### Formerly in cfg.d/ #########
# Including below as we can make some useful decisions based on the above config.
## Adds the minting plugin to the EP_TRIGGER_STATUS_CHANGE
$c->add_dataset_trigger( "eprint", EP_TRIGGER_STATUS_CHANGE , sub {
my ( %params ) = @_;
my $repository = %params->{repository};
return undef if (!defined $repository);
if (defined %params->{dataobj}) {
my $dataobj = %params->{dataobj};
my $eprint_id = $dataobj->id;
$repository->dataset( "event_queue" )->create_dataobj({
pluginid => "Event::DataCiteEvent",
action => "datacite_doi",
params => [$dataobj->internal_uri],
# Activate an action button, the plugin for whcih is at
# /plugins/EPrints/Plugin/Screen/EPrint/Staff/
$c->{plugins}{"Screen::EPrint::Staff::CoinDOI"}{params}{disable} = 0;
/lib/plugins/EPrints/Plugin/Event/ This is added to the queue and actually mints the doi.
lib/plugins/EPrints/Plugin/Sreen/EPrint/Staff/ This adds a button to enable staff to choose when to coin the DOI and request registration
/lib/plugins/EPrints/Plugin/Export/ This exports the metadata xml required for minting, this can be used independently and through the user interface.
By default the plugin uses the following mapping:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<resource xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
<identifier identifierType="DOI">[[From Config: $c->{datacitedoi}{prefix}/$c->{datacitedoi}{repoid]]/{{Eprintid}}</identifier>
<creatorName>[[From Eprint: Creators]]</creatorName>
<title>[[From Eprint: Title]]/title>
<publisher>[[From Config: $c->{datacitedoi}{publisher}]]</publisher>
<publicationYear>[[From Eprint: Year]]</publicationYear>
<subject>[[From Eprints: Subjects]]</subject>
<resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="[[Mapped From Config: $c->{datacitedoi}{typemap}]]">[[Mapped From Config: $c->{datacitedoi}{typemap}]]</resourceType>
<alternateIdentifier alternateIdentifierType="URL">[[From Eprints: Subjects]]</alternateIdentifier>