
Node module for tokenizing a collection of repositories and producing data on their files contents

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Programming Language Statistics

To install dependencies

npm install

To Run

cd fetchRepos
node 1_fetchRepoInfo
// will create repoInfo.json (do not delete, needed for later steps);
// to batch results can specify page of results, and # of results
// per page:
// node 1_fetchRepoInfo --page=2 --perPage=5

node fetchRepos/2_downloadRepos --repoDir=/destination/for/download/
// trailing slash *required*
// the repositories will now be downloaded to /destination/for/download
// now we can parse the downloaded directories

cd ..
// increase Memory to 4 gigs, more if needed
sudo node --max-old-space-size=4000 1_extractCode.js --repoDir=/destination/for/download/

node 2_countTop1000Tokens.js

node 3_transformData.js --output=/destination/for/data/

node 4_groupData.js --data=/destination/for/data/processed-data.csv --output=/destination/for/data/