This is the main marketing and product ordering page for a fictional company who specialise in building custom surfboards based in Cornwall, UK. The site will be responsive and accessible on all devices, however, primarily the site will be aimed at desktop users due to the form process for placing an order being much easier to complete on this device. The site will be easy to navigate, enjoyable to use, and contain all the information needed regardless of the prior knowledge the user has.
1. UX
1a. User Stories
1b. Business Goals
- Strategy Plane
- Scope Plane
- Structure Plane
- Skeleton Plane
2. Design
- Colour Scheme
- Typography
- Imagery
- Logo
3. Features
- Syntax
- Frameworks, Libraries & Programs
5. Testing
6. Deployment
- GitHub Pages
- Forking the Repository
- Cloning the Repository
7. Credits
- Resources
- Code
- Content
- Media
- Acknowledgements
First Time Visitor Goals
a. As a first time visitor, I want to gain understanding of the purpose for this site and the intentions of the business, there should be explanative information in case the user does not having a strong understanding of the product.
b. As a first time visitor, I want to easily find out about products that I have visited this site for.
c. As a first time visitor, I want to look for previous products created to ensure that using this company is the right decision.
d. As a first time visitor, the website providing customer great testimonials would enhance my interest in using this company.
Returning Visitor Goals
a. As a returning visitor, I want to be able to easily order a product custom to my specifications in a reasonably quick manor.
b. As a returning visitor, I want to be able to find alternative ways to contact the company other than the order form.
c. As a returning visitor, I want to be able to find out further information about the company and brand.
Frequent Visitor Goals
a. As a frequent visitor, I want to easily be able to sign up to a newsletter or blog.
b. As a frequent visitor, I want to be able to find further social media links to be able to follow on multiple platforms.
c. As a frequent visitor, I would like to see a gallery section including lifestyle and product images.
The primary goal of this business is for users to become customers by ordering custom, personalised surfboards through the ordering page on the website.
Ideally all users that become customers will become regular and repeat customers since this is very much a trend within this industry. If a surfer is happy with the product then they will typically use this manufacturer for an extended period whilst they undertake in the sport.
Another focus of the business is to create a brand following on social media platforms, this will be achieved primarily through Instagram by including multiple links in the project as well as a gallery section that will mimic the businesses social media page.
In addition to creating a following through social media there will also be an option for users to sign up to the companies newsletter which will provide further information on the brand, products, and special offers further increasing the chances of users ordering the product.
The initial goal of the site is for users to find out more about the company through general informative text sections, and imagery that fits the rest of the sites aesthetics.
The most important goal of the site is for users to place an order for a surfboard manufactured to their exact requirements.
This site is mainly aimed at users who already partake in surfing as a hobby and have the required skill to warrant needing this type of high end product. Regardless of this there will be enough information to aid users who perhaps don't have as much prior knowledge.
The current features that are in the design plan and of the highest priority are;
Responsive navigation bar.
Hero image with a button placed strategically to direct the user to the most important page.
Following Bootstrap grid system with the layout of the site being mainly in thirds.
Footer containing links to social media platforms.
A form page that contains radio buttons, drop down lists and text inputs.
The features that are of a lower priority that may not be including in the initial build of the site are;
Closeable modal window that prompts the user to sign up for the newsletter.
Map included on site providing the exact location of the business.
A more generlised contact form option.
Navigation bar changing to a clickable burger icon on smaller screen sizes.
This site will be structured using lots of imagery and short informative paragraphs.
The layout will mainly be in thirds or in half on smaller screen sizes to not overload the user visually and to keep the functionality at optimum.
In order to direct the user to the most important areas of the website,buttons and imagery for these will be contained with the hero image that will be seen first.
To ensure the users experience when completing the form for ordering is smooth, this page will contain minimal information and imagery to not distract the user.
The main colours used will be monochrome and very simplistic using ivory, charcoal, black and white.
Reasoning behind these choices are that they add a sense of luxury to the brand and doesn't pull the attention away from the imagery and purpose of the site.
There will be two similar font types used throughout the website. The 'Comfortaa' font for the headings with a Sans Serif fallback font if for any reason the font isn't imported correctly or a certain browser doesn't support it. The second font used is 'Inconsolata' which will feature minimally with the main purpose of the use to differentiate certain sections from each other for example the footer text.
'Comfortaa' is a clean, stylish, and aesthetically pleasing font that will tie in well with the styling of the rest of the website. This font works well for headings therefore creating consistency without effecting the sites style.
'Inconsolata' is not to dissimilar from 'Comfortaa' so again it creates consistency, however, there is enough of a difference that it breaks up text sections and overall makes the website easy to read and aesthetically pleasing.
The imagery will be very important on the website, I plan to use images to convey information about the company and products. The first thing users will see when the site loads will be a large hero image with a call to action button included. The reason for this is to immediately direct the user to the key order page.
I also plan to use imagery on the modal that prompts visitors to sign up to the newsletter.
The about page titled 'Our Story' will use imagery to tell a story about the business. Primarily this will inform the visitor about what the business creates featuring previous products, as well as, showing the design process.
There will also be icon imagery included in the site, however, this will be minimal in order to still keep the aesthetic style consistent.
The imagery used will be de-saturated in colour and the main focal will be on the products and lifestyle based around these. The de-saturation in colour will fit in with the rest of the simple monochrome colours used throughout the rest of the website.
- The logo for site was created using the a similar style font through an online application called Hatchful. It follows the same monochrome tones that the rest of the site is styled in and was designed in a clean, and simple way that aesthetically works well but also follows visual hierarchy.
Responsive on all devices screen sizes, and various browsers.
Call to action placed with hero image below modal window.
Closeable modal pop up window when the newsletter link is selected (only viewable on laptop screen sizes and larger.)
Subscription newsletter input in site footer (only viewable on tablet and smaller devices.)
Simple form included in modal asking for an email address.
Linked icons to social media platforms included in footer.
Extensive form that includes radio buttons, drop down boxes, and text input.
Small interactive features such as enlargement on links and slight font colour change when hovering over nav bar.
Card containers used on Surfers Stories page to display information in a visually appealing way.
A general contact form to be added either in a modal or a separate page.
Customer account log-in to be added to nav bar.
Add a Google images map to the footer displaying the business location.
For all forms to be made functional using correct syntax.
To add more pages to the site including a product and a blog page.
Add a carousel for displaying images.
- HTML5 is a markup language used for structuring and presenting content on the internet.
- Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a style sheet language used for describing the presentation of a document written in a markup language such as HTML.
- Hatchful was used to generate the logo, which was then edited to my specifics within their website.
- The Balsamiq application was used to create wireframes for each website page on various device screen sizes.
- Used to display icons on the landing page and the social media icons in the footer.
- Bootstrap was widely used throughout the site for responsiveness using the grid system, displaying or hiding elements, the navigation bar, and the form on the order page.
- Used to import the two fonts used throughout the site 'Comfortaa' and 'Inconsolata.'
- To add a size increase to specific text links when the users cursor hovers over them.
- Used to host the entire repository for the project.
- This was the platform used to build the entire project.
- Used to host the live version of the website as well as integral to aid in the de-bugging of the project.
- A tool to check how the website appears and the functionality on various devices. The image at the top of this document was generated from this website.
- The Bootstrap version 4.5 used for this project requires jQuery for certain elements, in my project this was needed for the collapsible navigation bar.
W3C Validator HTML & W3C Validator CSS
- Both of these were used to test all the code for the project whilst working and for the finished website to check for valid HTML and CSS.
- This was used to add vendor prefixes to the CSS used in the project to increase cross browser compatibility.
- This application was used to test the functionality and appearance of the project on all main browsers.
- I used this to compress all the images used on the website to decrease the file size and increase website speed.
- Similar to Am I responsive this is a web based application that allows a website to be checked an a large amount of devices in portrait and landscape view.
Find all information on the testing that has been carried out for this project here.
This project was built using GitPod.
Firstly a new repository was created and titled for this project.
During and once the project was completed all commits and code was pushed to said repository.
This project was then deployed using GitHub Pages by using the following steps, the instructional images contain a black box around the specified area.
Log in to GitHub and locate the repository.
- Alternatively you can locate the repository by searching liammcluckie/Low-Tide-Surf-Club on GitHub.
You will find at the top of the repository, below the repository title, a list of links. Click on the 'Settings' option.
- Please note if you are viewing this on a smaller device you can locate the link in the same place but you will need to horizontally scroll to the left to view the link.
Scroll down the page until you reach the 'GitHub Pages' section.
Under the 'Source' label there is a dropdown box displaying 'None'. Click on this and change the source to 'Master Branch', the page will now automatically refresh.
Once the page has finished loading scroll back down to the GitHub pages section and it will be displaying the published website link.
This project is available to be copied and edited by other users without changing the repository on the original GitHub account. This can be done by forking the entire repository by following these steps, the instructional images contain a black box around the specified area.
Log in to GitHub and locate the repository.
- Alternatively you can locate the repository by searching liammcluckie/Low-Tide-Surf-Club on GitHub.
At the top of the repository page, below your own account icon you will find three buttons one of these is labelled 'Fork' click here.
You will now have a copy of the entire repository in your own GitHub account to edit and make changes too.
If any suggestions, improvements or changes have been made that you would wish to share to improve the original site you can then submit a pull request to the project owner, details on how to do this can be found here.
Log in to GitHub and locate the repository.
- Alternatively you can locate the repository by searching liammcluckie/Low-Tide-Surf-Club on GitHub.
Located directly above the repository files and to the left of the green 'GitPod' button is a 'Code' button click on this.
To clone the repository using HTTPS copy the link displaying when the HTTPS button is underlined in red by clicking on the clipboard next to the link.
Next open your own terminal in GitPod and change the current directory to where you want the cloned directory to be sent to.
In the terminal type
git clone
and then paste the URL copied from the original repository and press enter. This will create your local clone. -
If you use GitHub desktop the instructions on how to clone to this can be found here.
- The majority of the imagery on the site was collected from here. Unsplash provide high resolution images free to use on the internet.
- The only other website used for imagery, the images displayed on the about/our story page were collected from here.
- I used this example on how to create a pop-up modal window only using HTML and CSS to design my own to use for this project.
- Stack Overflow was used to research various programming techniques as well as problem solving a few issues and bugs encountered.
- Since I was using background images throughout my project I was unsure on the correct way to add alternative text to these for screen readers. I found all the information needed on the Can Adapt site who specialise in web accessibility training.
- This educational website contains lots of useful information for programming, I primarily used it to select slightly lighter tones for my colour scheme.
- Similar to other resources used CSS tricks provided small amounts of general knowledge to help with the CSS for this project.
There are two snippets of code that were copied and then altered to fit this project. This code has comments within the HTML and CSS to be easily found, and the original code can be found in the below links;
- I wanted to add a modal into my project but since this project was solely focusing on HTML and CSS I tried to avoid using a modal that required JavaScript. Upon research I came across this website that easily explained how this could be done. Initially I copied the code in exactly and then made some changes to better suit this project. The changes were as small style alterations for colour, tone and size, I then added the link into my navigation bar, added a simple email form to the modal along with an image to enhance the user experience, and removed some of the code that caused the modal to open whenever the used clicked 'back' on the browser.
Stack Overflow Hover Animation
- Even though this project was already using the Hover.css application I found that it caused bugs in some parts of the site causing the link/icon to not be aligned correctly. To fix this I copied in the code from the above link found on Stack Overflow, the code is commented in the CSS to be easily located.
- Once the main build of the project was completed all CSS was ran through CSS Autoprefixer to improve browser compatibility. The altered code was then copied into the CSS document.
All the written content for this site was created by the developer.
The short description for the syntax used was taken from Wikipedia.
- The logo for this website was generated using Hatchful. This works by inputting the name of the brand/business and by choosing certain style preferences, this then produces a selection of different logo ideas.
The majority of images used in this website were downloaded from Unsplash, to see all content available from the creators search the provided names on Unsplash. Below in corresponding order to how the images display on the site when viewed on a large screens is all the media used;
Landing Page Hero Image by Mathyas Kurman.
Newsletter Modal Image by Nicolas Pereyra.
Landing Page Second Background Image by Will Suddret.
Rosie Carter Testimonial Image by Manny Moreno.
Jasper Pritchard Testimonial Image by Seth Doyle.
Mitch Atkinson Testimonial Image by Florencia Viadana.
Gallery Image One by Dendy Darma.
Gallery Image Two by Joschko Hammer.
Gallery Image Three by Michael Shannon.
Gallery Image Four by Jess Vide.
Gallery Image Five by Spencer Watson.
Form/Ordering Page Hero Image by Joao Ferreira.
Form/Ordering Page Second Background Image by Jamison McAndie.
About/Our Story Page Hero Image by Jamie Curd.
About/Our Story Page Image One by Wave Break Media downloaded from Freepik.
About/Our Story Page Image Two by Wave Break Media downloaded from Freepik.
About/Our Story Page Image Three by Viklund Visuals.
About/Our Story Page Second Background Image by Wave Break Media.
My mentor Precious for providing feedback and making valuable suggestions throughout this project.
The Code Institute tutor support for helping with one of my most time consuming bugs.
The British and Cornish surf community for providing inspiration for this project.