
This is a small Python library for sending data over sockets.

Primary LanguagePython


This is a small Python library for sending data over sockets.

It allows sending lists, dictionaries, strings, etc. It can handle very large data (I've tested it with 10GB of data). Any JSON-serializable data is accepted.


from jsonsocket import Client, Server

host = 'localhost'
port = 8000

# Client code:
client = Client()
client.connect(host, port).send({'some_list': [123, 456]})
response = client.recv()
# response now is {'data': {'some_list': [123, 456]}}

# Server code:
server = Server(host, port)
data = server.recv()
# data now is: {'some_list': [123, 456]}
server.send({'data': data}).close()