
swarmlabatwork eindhoven 2013 code.

Primary LanguageOpenEdge ABL


We used this code to win the robocup@work world championship 2013 in Eindhoven.


We publish all of our code and documents under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0). For commercial interest please contact us at swarmlab.unimaas.nl.


  • Use the swarmlabatwork.rosinstall to install all packages.

  • Use the install_ros_packages.sh script to install the dependencies.

  • Patch the youbot_ros_pkg using the patch provided (this is needed to get voltage feedback in the joint_state messages)

Each test has its own package: e.g. slaw_bmt for the basic manipulation challenge, etc. For each tests there are several launch files "xxx" stands for each tests:

  • pre_xxx.launch (to be launched on the internal pc)
  • pre_xxx_laptop.launch (to be launched on the external laptop)
  • xxx.launch (to be launched either internally or externally) starts the test.

Interesting packages

  • cust_dwa_local_planner: customised DWA planner used to navigate. Use at your own risk, it is best used with dual LIDAR setup (front and back facing), config in slaw_navigation.
  • slaw_arm_navigation: Own IK calculation module and joint_trajectory_action with fail safe to recover after over voltages
  • slaw_dashboard: pr2 like dashboard, for monitoring internal and external pc and batteries. slaw_diagnostics has to run.
  • slaw_manipulation: object and hole detection
  • slaw_smach: SMACH states which are used in each test


If you have any questions or problems regarding robot setup or installation, feel free to contact us at swarmlab.unimaas.nl.