
2022 Sukkot puzzle from the Israeli Defence Forces, solved by 4 high-schoolers.

Primary LanguagePython


2022 Sukkot puzzle from the Israeli Defence Forces, solved by 4 high-schoolers.

Names: Liam Rahum, Amit Biton, Shaked Angi, Noam Cohen

All solvers are also part of Magshimim.

1 - Gathering clues

  • We started by obvsering the puzzle at https://bit.ly/3ElJg17 (The puzzle's page).
  • We looked through the video, and saw parts of a link in some frames
  • Liam created a python script for saving each frame in the video.

2 - Happy Sukkot

  • We found the following image - ibb.co/3CkxfH1
  • It was an encypted message, called caesar cipher (17 letter difference)
  • We eventually got the link www.idf.il/h4ppy_5ukk0t

Update - puzzle solved!

  • There wasn't an update about it, but on the same week we've solved the puzzle.
  • There was a problem on IDF's website, the "Happy Sukkot" file we downloaded wasn't the correct one (ours was 15kb)
  • In the correct Happy Sukkot file there was an hidden file which we found immediately after downloading it.
  • In the file there was base64 text, with the actual puzzle in it, I don't remember the question exactly but it had something to do with Greek Mythology.

Eventually, the puzzle was completely solved.