
we scored 285,563 at the comp-soc hub in appleton tower.

Things we did well:

  • Scored pretty well considering it was the first time Michael had done any sort of competetive programming and it was our first time working as a team.
  • All did well in our own implicit roles, if the competition were individual then i think we would've done even better than we did.

Things to work on (George):

  • Integrating our work together; I feel like i was too caught up in solving bugs with my own code and leaving the others to their sections so that when they had written code it wasn't so easy to combine because we had different implementation plans
  • Spend more time conceptually as a team so we're all on the same 'page', I think i wrongly delegated the conceptual ideas for solving to the other two when it should've been a responsibility as a team.
  • Stop worrying about code quality as much, i spend too long writing things like getters and setters when i should've worried about other more pressing things

Things to work on (Liana):

  • I agree with George on figuring out how to cooperate better as a team. I felt that some of us may have rushed into writing a solution before we could properly figure out a proper game plan for the project. In the future, we should spend more time during the planning process, and figure it out together before we start implementing. This also means we avoid wasting time explaining to eachother what we've individually been working on.
  • As this was our first time doing any kind of competitive coding as a team, we should have attempted the practice question beforehand in order to also get a better idea of how the competition works, and to learn how to work together better. However, I feel that now that we've had this experience we will be much more successful in the future.