Read the complete documentation here:
It's lodash for Sass. Sassdash.
Why? Developed with Sass toolkit developer in mind, Sassdash gives you nearly the full expressive power of lodash for JavaScript, inside your SCSS projects. Developers can also build SCSS libraries on top of Sassdash for concepts such as advanced animation composition and timing, 3D CSS rendering, geometrical rendering, complex grid frameworks, and more.
Sassdash is a collection of utility functions, just like lodash. Sassdash never outputs any CSS declarations as it provides no mixins to do so (except for _rules
, which is pretty handy).
This library contains most of the implementable functions from lodash. See below to see which functions are included.
npm install sassdash
orbower install sassdash
@import 'path/to/sassdash'
in your project- Use your new powers wisely.
FYI: Neither Compass nor Eyeglass are required. Sassdash works in both Ruby Sass and Libsass (latest versions)!
If you are familiar with lodash, Sassdash will feel very natural to you.
$maps: (
('name': 'barney', 'age': 36),
('name': 'fred', 'age': 40)
_pluck($maps, 'name'); // ('barney', 'fred')
Functions are chainable in Sassdash via _(...)
, but there is no lazy evaluation. Results are output immediately. Since Sass does not have a natural concept of method linking, linking in Sassdash is done by having each link represent:
- The method name (first item)
- The arguments (2nd - nth items)
$foobar: ('a' 'b' 'c', 'd' 'e' 'f', 'g' 'h' 'i');
_map _join,
_reduce _str-concat,
_concat 'jkl',
_join ' -- '); // 'abcdefghi -- jkl'
Also, just as in lodash, iteratee functions (such as those used with _map
) are called with three arguments: $value, $index, $collection
. Keep this in mind when passing in your functions as iteratee functions. If your function only expects the $value
argument, you can either:
- Discard the rest of the arguments in the function definition:
@function is-even($value, $args...) { ... }
- Wrap the function with
:_map($list, _ary(is-even));
However, native Sass functions as iteratees are automatically guarded! You can simply include them as an interatee:
$capitals: ('Tallahassee', 'Springfield', 'Austin');
$uppercase-capitals: _map($capitals, to-upper-case);
There are over 800 unit tests. With node-sass, they usually take under 10 seconds to run. With Ruby Sass, they may take anywhere from 1 to 2 minutes.
cd path/to/sassdash
npm install
npm test
Sassdash includes a number of helper functions not available in lodash, which include utility functions and implementations of native Javascript functions:
functions -_char-at
functions -_parse-float
) - similar to JavaScriptparseFloat
functions -_memo
for easy cache manipulationlist
functions -_reverse
, and_splice
functions -_str-concat
(list to string)
* Example:
$map: ('foo': ('bar': ('baz': 'quo')));
$list: (1, ('a': 2), 3);
$baz: _get($map, 'foo' 'bar' 'baz'); // => 'quo'
$something: _get($list, 2 'a'); // => 2
// You can also do this:
$baz: _get($map, ''); // => 'quo'
$map: _set($map, 'foo' 'bar' 'test', 42);
// => ('foo': ('bar': ('baz': 'quo', 'test': 42)))
$list: _set($list, 2 'a', 42);
// => (1, ('a': 42), 3)
- ❌ - Not implemented
- 🕜 - Coming soon
Sassdash | lodash |
_chunk | _.chunk |
_compact | _.compact |
_difference | _.difference |
_drop | _.drop |
_drop-right | _.dropRight |
_drop-right-while | _.dropRightWhile |
_drop-while | _.dropWhile |
_fill | _.fill |
_find-index | _.findIndex |
_find-last-index | _.findLastIndex |
_first | _.first |
_flatten | _.flatten |
_flatten-deep | _.flattenDeep |
_head | _.head → first |
_index-of | _.indexOf |
_initial | _.initial |
_intersection | _.intersection |
_last | _.last |
_last-index-of | _.lastIndexOf |
_object | _.object → zipObject |
_pull | _.pull |
❌ | _.pullAt |
❌ | _.remove |
_rest | |
_slice | _.slice |
🕜 | _.sortedIndex |
🕜 | _.sortedLastIndex |
_tail | _.tail → rest |
_take | _.take |
_take-right | _.takeRight |
_take-right-while | _.takeRightWhile |
_take-while | _.takeWhile |
_union | _.union |
_uniq | _.uniq |
_unique | _.unique → uniq |
_unzip | _.unzip |
_without | _.without |
_xor | _.xor |
_zip | |
_zip-map | _.zipObject |
Sassdash | lodash |
_ | _ |
❌ | _.chain |
❌ | _.tap |
❌ | _.thru |
Sassdash | lodash |
_all | _.all → every |
_any | _.any → some |
_at | |
_collect | _.collect → map |
_contains | _.contains → includes |
_count-by | _.countBy |
_detect | _.detect → find |
_each | _.each → forEach |
_each-right | _.eachRight → forEachRight |
_every | _.every |
_filter | _.filter |
_find | _.find |
_find-last | _.findLast |
_find-where | _.findWhere |
_foldl | _.foldl → reduce |
_foldr | _.foldr → reduceRight |
_for-each | _.forEach |
_for-each-right | _.forEachRight |
_group-by | _.groupBy |
_include | _.include → includes |
_includes | _.includes |
_index-by | _.indexBy |
_inject | _.inject → reduce |
_invoke | _.invoke |
_map | |
_partition | _.partition |
_pluck | _.pluck |
_reduce | _.reduce |
_reduce-right | _.reduceRight |
_reject | _.reject |
_sample | _.sample |
_select | → filter |
_shuffle | _.shuffle |
_size | _.size |
_some | _.some |
_sort-by | _.sortBy |
_sort-by-all | _.sortByAll |
_sort-by-order | _.sortByOrder |
_where | _.where |
Sassdash | lodash |
❌ | |
Sassdash | lodash |
_after | _.after |
_ary | _.ary |
_backflow | _.backflow → flowRight |
_before | _.before |
_bind | _.bind |
🕜 | _.bindAll |
🕜 | _.bindKey |
_compose | _.compose → flowRight |
❌ | _.curry |
❌ | _.curryRight |
❌ | _.debounce |
❌ | _.defer |
❌ | _.delay |
_flow | _.flow |
_flow-right | _.flowRight |
_memoize | _.memoize |
_negate | _.negate |
_once | _.once |
_partial | _.partial |
_partial-right | _.partialRight |
🕜 | _.rearg |
🕜 | _.spread |
❌ | _.throttle |
❌ | _.wrap |
Sassdash | lodash |
❌ | _.clone |
❌ | _.cloneDeep |
_is-arglist | _.isArguments |
_is-list | _.isArray |
_is-boolean | _.isBoolean |
❌ | _.isDate |
❌ | _.isElement |
_is-empty | _.isEmpty |
_is-equal | _.isEqual |
_is-error | _.isError |
_is-finite | _.isFinite |
_is-function | _.isFunction |
_is-match | _.isMatch |
❌ | _.isNaN |
_is-native | _.isNative |
_is-null | _.isNull |
_is-number | _.isNumber |
_is-map | _.isObject |
_is-plain-map | _.isPlainObject |
❌ | _.isRegExp |
_is-string | _.isString |
❌ | _.isTypedArray |
❌ | _.isUndefined |
_to-list | _.toArray |
_to-map | _.toPlainObject |
Sassdash | lodash |
_add | _.add |
_max | _.max |
_min | _.min |
_sum | _.sum |
Sassdash | lodash |
🕜 | _.inRange |
_rand | _.random |
Sassdash | lodash |
_assign | _.assign |
_create | _.create |
_defaults | _.defaults |
_extend | _.extend → assign |
_find-key | _.findKey |
_find-last-key | _.findLastKey |
_for-in | _.forIn |
_for-in-right | _.forInRight |
_for-own | _.forOwn |
_for-own-right | _.forOwnRight |
_functions | _.functions |
_has | _.has |
_invert | _.invert |
_keys | _.keys |
_keys-in | _.keysIn |
_map-values | _.mapValues |
_merge | _.merge |
_methods | _.methods → functions |
_omit | _.omit |
_pairs | _.pairs |
_pick | _.pick |
_result | _.result |
❌ | _.transform |
_values | _.values |
_values-in | _.valuesIn |
Sassdash | lodash |
_camel-case | _.camelCase |
_capitalize | _.capitalize |
❌ | _.deburr |
_ends-with | _.endsWith |
_escape | _.escape |
❌ | _.escapeRegExp |
_kebab-case | _.kebabCase |
_pad | _.pad |
_pad-left | _.padLeft |
_pad-right | _.padRight |
_parse-int | _.parseInt |
_repeat | _.repeat |
_snake-case | _.snakeCase |
_start-case | _.startCase |
_starts-with | _.startsWith |
❌ | _.template |
_trim | _.trim |
_trim-left | _.trimLeft |
_trim-right | _.trimRight |
_trunc | _.trunc |
_unescape | _.unescape |
_words | _.words |
Sassdash | lodash |
❌ | _.attempt |
_callback | _.callback |
_constant | _.constant |
_identity | _.identity |
_iteratee | _.iteratee → callback |
_matches | _.matches |
_matches-property | _.matchesProperty |
❌ | _.mixin |
❌ | _.noConflict |
_noop | _.noop |
_property | |
_property-of | _.propertyOf |
_range | _.range |
❌ | _.runInContext |
_times | _.times |
_unique-id | _.uniqueId |