Indiana University Bloomington
Liang Chen
Music Informatics Ph.D.
This is a thesis template that meets the official dissertation formatting requirements from Indiana University Bloomington.
- Open the "titePage.tex" file, and input your information in the designated section.
- Open the "approvalPage.tex" file, and input your information in the designated section.
- Open the "dedication.tex", "acknowledgments.tex", "abstract.tex", and "vita.tex" pages and enter your information.
- Open the "references.tex" file, and input your citations, in BiBTeX format.
After these steps are complete, the main content of the thesis can be entered into the various "chapter<#>.tex" files, along with any appendices in the "appendix.tex" file.
To compile the template, using your preferred TeX editor, run the following commands in sequence:
- pdflatex thesis.tex
- bibtex thesis.aux
- pdflatex thesis.tex
- pdflatex thesis.tex