English | 中文文档
Function item | Function description |
Scan for nearby Bluetooth devices | Scan for Bluetooth devices near the phone and refresh the device list every second |
Connect to Shecare thermometer to synchronize data | Connect the thermometer to synchronize data, set the thermometer temperature unit and time, and get the firmware version |
Connect Shecare forehead thermometer to synchronize data | Connect the forehead thermometer to synchronize data and get the firmware version number |
Connect to Shecare fetal heart rate monitor to synchronize data | Connect the forehead thermometer to synchronize data and get the firmware version number |
- The minimum compatible version iOS 11.0;
- Need to introduce CoreBluetooth system library;
/// Application unique identifier uniformly assigned by `Pregnant Orange`, used to distinguish different integration parties
@property (nonatomic, copy) NSString *appId;
/// The application key uniformly distributed by `Pregnant Orange`, used for SDK verification
@property (nonatomic, copy) NSString *appSecret;
/// Generate the user's unique ID based on information such as userId, mobile phone number, and email address, which is the same as the unionid generated by the test strip SDK
@property (nonatomic, copy) NSString *unionId;
/// Proxy object, need to implement BLEThermometerDelegate, BLEThermometerOADDelegate protocol
@property (nonatomic, weak) id <BLEThermometerDelegate> delegate;
@property (nonatomic, weak) id <BLEThermometerOADDelegate> oadDelegate;
/** Singleton */
* Return the BLE status of the current device
* Disconnect the currently connected device
* Scan and connect the device
* @param macList user-bound MAC address list, in the form of a comma-separated string, such as "C8:FD:19:02:92:8D,C8:FD:19:02:92:8E"
* @return If the scan starts successfully, return true, otherwise return false
-(BOOL)connectThermometerWithMACList:(NSString *)macList;
* Stop scanning
* Check firmware version
* @param completion Callback, return whether the currently connected hardware needs to be upgraded; if it needs to be upgraded, return the URL of the image file in imagePaths
- (void)checkFirmwareVersionCompletion:(void (^)(BOOL needUpgrade, NSDictionary * _Nullable imagePaths))completion;
* Start OAD
* @param imgPaths The path where the firmware installation package is located (side A and side B)
-(void)updateThermometerFirmware:(NSArray <NSString *>*)imgPaths;
* Stop the ongoing OAD
* Modify the temperature type, obtain the power, return the received temperature quantity to the hardware, and start obtaining the temperature, etc.
* @param type command type
- (void)pushNotifyWithType:(NSInteger)type;
* Upload fetal heart rate record
-(void)uploadFetalHeartRecord:(SCBLEFHRecordModel *)record;
* Get the "Customer Service" link
-(NSURL *)customerServiceURLWithModel:(SCBLECustomerServiceModel *)model;
/// Instruction type: OAD
#define YCBLECommandTypeOAD 2
/// Instruction type: get power
#define YCBLECommandTypeGetPower 3
/// Instruction type: temperature type ℃
#define YCBLECommandTypeSetUnitC 4
/// Instruction type: temperature type ℉
#define YCBLECommandTypeSetUnitF 5
/// Hardware mirror version
typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, YCBLEFirmwareImageType) {
/// Unknown version
/// A version
/// B version
/// Bluetooth connection type
typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, YCBLEConnectType) {
/// Connection during binding (all devices can be connected)
YCBLEConnectTypeBinding = 0,
/// Connection when unbound (only "bound" hardware can be connected)
YCBLEConnectTypeNotBinding = 1
/// Bluetooth status definition
typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, YCBLEState) {
/// Powered on
YCBLEStatePoweredOn = 0,
/// Unknown status
/// BLE is not supported
/// User not authorized
/// BLE off
/// Resetting
/// OAD error type
typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, YCBLEOADResultType) {
/// OAD successfully ended
YCBLEOADResultTypeSucceed = 0,
/// PAD failed (2s after the command is sent, the connection has not been disconnected)
YCBLEOADResultTypeFailed = 1,
/// OAD is running
YCBLEOADResultTypeIsRunning = 2,
- BLEThermometerDelegate
* Callback for successful connection of the device
* @param thermometer current thermometer example
-(void)didConnectThermometer:(SCBLEThermometer *)thermometer;
* Callback for failed device connection
* @param thermometer current thermometer example
-(void)didFailedToConnectThermometer:(SCBLEThermometer *)thermometer;
* Callback for abnormal disconnection from the device
* @param thermometer current thermometer example
-(void)didDisconnectThermometer:(SCBLEThermometer *)thermometer error:(NSError*)error;
* Callback for device Bluetooth status change
* @param thermometer current thermometer example
* @param state updated Bluetooth state
-(void)thermometer:(SCBLEThermometer *)thermometer didUpdateBluetoothState:(YCBLEState)state;
* Callback when temperature measurement is completed
* @param thermometer current thermometer example
* @param temperatures measure temperature array
-(void)thermometer:(SCBLEThermometer *)thermometer didUploadTemperatures:(NSArray <SCBLETemperature *>*)temperatures;
* Sync time callback
* @param thermometer current thermometer example
* @param result "success" or "fail"
-(void)thermometer:(SCBLEThermometer *)thermometer didSynchronizeDate:(NSString *)result;
* Get the callback of the thermometer power result
* @param thermometer current thermometer example
* @param powerValue power
-(void)thermometer:(SCBLEThermometer *)thermometer didGetPower:(NSString *)powerValue;
* Set the callback of the temperature type result
* @param thermometer current thermometer example
* @param result "success" or "fail"
-(void)thermometer:(SCBLEThermometer *)thermometer didChangeTemperatureUnit:(NSString *)result;
* Return to fetal heart rate related data
* @param fhr fetal heart rate
* @param fha Fetal Heart Sound
-(void)thermometer:(SCBLEThermometer *)thermometer didGetFHR:(NSInteger)fhr fha:(NSData *)fha;
- BLEThermometerOADDelegate
* Callback when the image file starts to be written
* @param thermometer current thermometer example
-(void)thermometerDidBeginFirmwareImageUpdate:(SCBLEThermometer *)thermometer;
* Completion of the callback for writing the image file
* @param thermometer current thermometer example
* @param type OAD error type
* @param message OAD error message
-(void)thermometer:(SCBLEThermometer *)thermometer didUpdateFirmwareImage:(YCBLEOADResultType)type message:(NSString *)message;
* Callback of mirror file writing progress
* @param thermometer current thermometer example
* @param progress complete progress
-(void)thermometer:(SCBLEThermometer *)thermometer firmwareImageUpdateProgress:(CGFloat)progress;
* Callback of the user's hardware mirroring version. Only for OAD, not for OTA
* @param thermometer current thermometer example
* @param imgReversion user hardware mirror version
-(void)thermometer:(SCBLEThermometer *)thermometer didReadFirmwareImageType:(YCBLEFirmwareImageType)imgReversion;
* Callback of device power connection status. The fourth-generation thermometer uses a lithium battery, and it must be connected to the power supply for OTA; the third-generation thermometer uses a button battery and does not need to implement this proxy method.
* @param thermometer current thermometer example
* @param isOn Power connection status
-(void)thermometer:(SCBLEThermometer *)thermometer didGetOTAPowerStatus:(BOOL)isOn;
@interface SCBLECustomerServiceModel: NSObject
/// Device Mac address, optional
@property (nonatomic, copy) NSString *macAddress;
/// Age, not required
@property (nonatomic, assign) NSInteger age;
/// Gestational week, not mandatory
@property (nonatomic, assign) NSInteger pregnantWeek;
/// Type of equipment, 1, 2, 3 thermometers, 4 forehead thermometers, 5 fetal favorites, optional
@property (nonatomic, assign) NSInteger hardwareType;
/// Purchase time, seconds, not mandatory
@property (nonatomic, assign) NSTimeInterval bindTime;
@interface SCBLEFHRecordModel: NSObject
/// Binary data of audio file
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSData *audioData;
/// Audio file suffix
@property (nonatomic, copy) NSString *fileExtension;
/// record ID
@property (nonatomic, copy) NSString *recordId;
/// Recording time, in seconds
@property (nonatomic, copy) NSString *duration;
/// Record title, it is recommended to use "Pregnant? Week? Day"
@property (nonatomic, copy) NSString *title;
/// Time when the record was generated
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSDate *recordTime;
/// Average fetal heart rate
@property (nonatomic, copy) NSString *averageFhr;
/// Number of fetal movements
@property (nonatomic, copy) NSString *quickening;
/// Record details of fetal heart rate and fetal movement
@property (nonatomic, copy) NSString *history;
@interface SCBLETemperature: NSObject
/// Temperature
@property (nonatomic, assign) double temperature;
/// The measure time
@property (nonatomic, copy) NSString *time;
Third-party SDK: Pregnant Orange Bluetooth SDK
- Purpose/purpose of collecting personal information: optimizing hardware compatible devices
- The type of personal information collected: device model, operating system, mobile phone developer identifier, network data
- Required permissions: network permissions, Bluetooth permissions
- Third-party SDK privacy policy link: https://static.shecarefertility.com/shecare/resource/dist/#/blesdk_privacy_policy
- Provider: Beijing Aikangtai Technology Co., Ltd.