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Access Guide

SDK features

Function item Function description
Scan for nearby Bluetooth devices Scan for Bluetooth devices near the phone and refresh the device list every second
Connect to Shecare thermometer to synchronize data     Connect the thermometer to synchronize data, set the thermometer temperature unit and time, and get the firmware version
Connect Shecare forehead thermometer to synchronize data   Connect the forehead thermometer to synchronize data and get the firmware version number
Connect to Shecare fetal heart rate monitor to synchronize data   Connect the forehead thermometer to synchronize data and get the firmware version number

Integration considerations

  1. The minimum compatible version iOS 11.0;
  2. Need to introduce CoreBluetooth system library;

Class definition

Core service class: SCBLEThermometer

/// Application unique identifier uniformly assigned by `Pregnant Orange`, used to distinguish different integration parties
@property (nonatomic, copy) NSString *appId;
/// The application key uniformly distributed by `Pregnant Orange`, used for SDK verification
@property (nonatomic, copy) NSString *appSecret;
/// Generate the user's unique ID based on information such as userId, mobile phone number, and email address, which is the same as the unionid generated by the test strip SDK
@property (nonatomic, copy) NSString *unionId;
/// Proxy object, need to implement BLEThermometerDelegate, BLEThermometerOADDelegate protocol
@property (nonatomic, weak) id <BLEThermometerDelegate> delegate;
@property (nonatomic, weak) id <BLEThermometerOADDelegate> oadDelegate;

/** Singleton */

 * Return the BLE status of the current device

 * Disconnect the currently connected device

 * Scan and connect the device
 * @param macList user-bound MAC address list, in the form of a comma-separated string, such as "C8:FD:19:02:92:8D,C8:FD:19:02:92:8E"
 * @return If the scan starts successfully, return true, otherwise return false
-(BOOL)connectThermometerWithMACList:(NSString *)macList;

 * Stop scanning

 * Check firmware version
 * @param completion Callback, return whether the currently connected hardware needs to be upgraded; if it needs to be upgraded, return the URL of the image file in imagePaths
- (void)checkFirmwareVersionCompletion:(void (^)(BOOL needUpgrade, NSDictionary * _Nullable imagePaths))completion;

 * Start OAD
 * @param imgPaths The path where the firmware installation package is located (side A and side B)
-(void)updateThermometerFirmware:(NSArray <NSString *>*)imgPaths;

 * Stop the ongoing OAD

 * Modify the temperature type, obtain the power, return the received temperature quantity to the hardware, and start obtaining the temperature, etc.
 * @param type command type
- (void)pushNotifyWithType:(NSInteger)type;

  * Upload fetal heart rate record
-(void)uploadFetalHeartRecord:(SCBLEFHRecordModel *)record;

  * Get the "Customer Service" link
-(NSURL *)customerServiceURLWithModel:(SCBLECustomerServiceModel *)model;


/// Instruction type: OAD
#define YCBLECommandTypeOAD 2
/// Instruction type: get power
#define YCBLECommandTypeGetPower 3
/// Instruction type: temperature type ℃
#define YCBLECommandTypeSetUnitC 4
/// Instruction type: temperature type ℉
#define YCBLECommandTypeSetUnitF 5

/// Hardware mirror version
typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, YCBLEFirmwareImageType) {
    /// Unknown version
    /// A version
    /// B version

/// Bluetooth connection type
typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, YCBLEConnectType) {
    /// Connection during binding (all devices can be connected)
    YCBLEConnectTypeBinding = 0,
    /// Connection when unbound (only "bound" hardware can be connected)
    YCBLEConnectTypeNotBinding = 1

/// Bluetooth status definition
typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, YCBLEState) {
    /// Powered on
    YCBLEStatePoweredOn = 0,
    /// Unknown status
    /// BLE is not supported
    /// User not authorized
    /// BLE off
    /// Resetting

/// OAD error type
typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, YCBLEOADResultType) {
    /// OAD successfully ended
    YCBLEOADResultTypeSucceed = 0,
    /// PAD failed (2s after the command is sent, the connection has not been disconnected)
    YCBLEOADResultTypeFailed = 1,
    /// OAD is running
    YCBLEOADResultTypeIsRunning = 2,


  • BLEThermometerDelegate
 * Callback for successful connection of the device
 * @param thermometer current thermometer example
-(void)didConnectThermometer:(SCBLEThermometer *)thermometer;

 * Callback for failed device connection
 * @param thermometer current thermometer example
-(void)didFailedToConnectThermometer:(SCBLEThermometer *)thermometer;

 * Callback for abnormal disconnection from the device
 * @param thermometer current thermometer example
-(void)didDisconnectThermometer:(SCBLEThermometer *)thermometer error:(NSError*)error;

 * Callback for device Bluetooth status change
 * @param thermometer current thermometer example
 * @param state updated Bluetooth state
-(void)thermometer:(SCBLEThermometer *)thermometer didUpdateBluetoothState:(YCBLEState)state;

 * Callback when temperature measurement is completed
 * @param thermometer current thermometer example
 * @param temperatures measure temperature array
-(void)thermometer:(SCBLEThermometer *)thermometer didUploadTemperatures:(NSArray <SCBLETemperature *>*)temperatures;


 * Sync time callback
 * @param thermometer current thermometer example
 * @param result "success" or "fail" 
-(void)thermometer:(SCBLEThermometer *)thermometer didSynchronizeDate:(NSString *)result;

 * Get the callback of the thermometer power result
 * @param thermometer current thermometer example
 * @param powerValue power
-(void)thermometer:(SCBLEThermometer *)thermometer didGetPower:(NSString *)powerValue;

 * Set the callback of the temperature type result
 * @param thermometer current thermometer example
 * @param result "success" or "fail"
-(void)thermometer:(SCBLEThermometer *)thermometer didChangeTemperatureUnit:(NSString *)result;

 * Return to fetal heart rate related data
 * @param fhr fetal heart rate
 * @param fha Fetal Heart Sound
-(void)thermometer:(SCBLEThermometer *)thermometer didGetFHR:(NSInteger)fhr fha:(NSData *)fha;
  • BLEThermometerOADDelegate

 * Callback when the image file starts to be written
 * @param thermometer current thermometer example
-(void)thermometerDidBeginFirmwareImageUpdate:(SCBLEThermometer *)thermometer;

 * Completion of the callback for writing the image file
 * @param thermometer current thermometer example
 * @param type OAD error type
 * @param message OAD error message
-(void)thermometer:(SCBLEThermometer *)thermometer didUpdateFirmwareImage:(YCBLEOADResultType)type message:(NSString *)message;

 * Callback of mirror file writing progress
 * @param thermometer current thermometer example
 * @param progress complete progress
-(void)thermometer:(SCBLEThermometer *)thermometer firmwareImageUpdateProgress:(CGFloat)progress;


 * Callback of the user's hardware mirroring version. Only for OAD, not for OTA
 * @param thermometer current thermometer example
 * @param imgReversion user hardware mirror version
-(void)thermometer:(SCBLEThermometer *)thermometer didReadFirmwareImageType:(YCBLEFirmwareImageType)imgReversion;

 * Callback of device power connection status. The fourth-generation thermometer uses a lithium battery, and it must be connected to the power supply for OTA; the third-generation thermometer uses a button battery and does not need to implement this proxy method.
 * @param thermometer current thermometer example
 * @param isOn Power connection status
-(void)thermometer:(SCBLEThermometer *)thermometer didGetOTAPowerStatus:(BOOL)isOn;

Other class definitions

@interface SCBLECustomerServiceModel: NSObject

/// Device Mac address, optional
@property (nonatomic, copy) NSString *macAddress;
/// Age, not required
@property (nonatomic, assign) NSInteger age;
/// Gestational week, not mandatory
@property (nonatomic, assign) NSInteger pregnantWeek;
/// Type of equipment, 1, 2, 3 thermometers, 4 forehead thermometers, 5 fetal favorites, optional
@property (nonatomic, assign) NSInteger hardwareType;
/// Purchase time, seconds, not mandatory
@property (nonatomic, assign) NSTimeInterval bindTime;


@interface SCBLEFHRecordModel: NSObject

/// Binary data of audio file
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSData *audioData;
/// Audio file suffix
@property (nonatomic, copy) NSString *fileExtension;
/// record ID
@property (nonatomic, copy) NSString *recordId;
/// Recording time, in seconds
@property (nonatomic, copy) NSString *duration;
/// Record title, it is recommended to use "Pregnant? Week? Day"
@property (nonatomic, copy) NSString *title;
/// Time when the record was generated
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSDate *recordTime;
/// Average fetal heart rate
@property (nonatomic, copy) NSString *averageFhr;
/// Number of fetal movements
@property (nonatomic, copy) NSString *quickening;
/// Record details of fetal heart rate and fetal movement
@property (nonatomic, copy) NSString *history;


@interface SCBLETemperature: NSObject

/// Temperature
@property (nonatomic, assign) double temperature;
/// The measure time
@property (nonatomic, copy) NSString *time;


Privacy Agreement

Third-party SDK: Pregnant Orange Bluetooth SDK

  1. Purpose/purpose of collecting personal information: optimizing hardware compatible devices
  2. The type of personal information collected: device model, operating system, mobile phone developer identifier, network data
  3. Required permissions: network permissions, Bluetooth permissions
  4. Third-party SDK privacy policy link:
  5. Provider: Beijing Aikangtai Technology Co., Ltd.