
Setup for running Presto with Hive Metastore on Kubernetes as introduced in this blog post.

See previous blog post for more information about running Presto on FlashBlade.

How to Use

  1. Build Docker images for Hive Metastore and Presto

  2. Deploy Hive Metastore: MariaDB (pvs and deployment), init-schemas, Metastore

  3. Deploy Presto services (coordinator, workers, and cli)

  4. Deploy Redash.

Assumptions: working Kubernetes deployment and S3 object store (e.g., FlashBlade).

Things you may need to modify:

  • Docker repository name ($REPONAME) in build_image scripts and yaml files.
  • DataVIP and access keys for FlashBlade (fs.s3a.endpoint and hive.s3.endpoint)
  • StorageClass for the MariaDB volume.
  • Memory settings and worker counts.

Hive Metastore Service

Dockerfile for Metastore

Yaml for MariaDB

  • Simple and not optimized.

Yaml for init-schemas

  • One-time K8s job to initiate the MariaDB tables.

Yaml for Metastore

Presto Coordinator/Workers/CLI

Dockerfile for PrestoSql.


  • Generate final presto config files at pod startup time.

Yaml for Presto Coordinator/Workers

Dockerfile for Presto CLI

  • Simple image to make interactive use of Presto easier.