SituSeq is a workflow for the remote and offline analysis of Nanopore-generated 16S rRNA amplicon data.
- Preprocessing: The first step of the workflow is to preprocess your raw reads, which includes concatenating fastq files, removing primers, and filtering sequences for length. Preprocessing only requires R.
Next, there are two options:
- Stream 1: Assign taxonomy to 16S rRNA amplicon data. This method only requires R. Use Stream1B for summary and visualization of the taxonomic classification.
- Stream 2: Perform a BLAST search of your Nanopore sequences against a custom built database containing sequences of interest. This method only requires R. Use Stream 2B for summary and visualization of the BLAST results. Note that the Stream 2A BLAST search can not be run from a path (list of directories leading to your working directory) that contains any space characters
SituSeq was designed to be implemented by researchers with any level of bioinformatics experience using a standard spec laptop. All you have to do is copy and paste the code!
R: Install the R programming language
RStudio: Install R-Studio, an integrated development environment for easier use of the R language
The R packages tidyverse, ShortRead, and dada2: Install these packages by copying and pasting the code below in R
#install tidyverse
#install ShortRead
if (!require("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE))
#install dada2 (
if (!require("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE))
The dada2 package requires R version 4.2 or higher. If you've already installed R, but it is an older version. Use the following code to update (for windows):
To perform Stream 1, you will additionally need to download a taxonomy database that is compatible with the assignTaxonomy function from dada2.
The Silva database (Select "silva_nr99_v138.1_train_set.fa.gz") is a good option.
To perform Stream 2, you will need to install rBLAST
if (!require("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE))
+ install.packages("BiocManager")
install.packages('rBLAST', repos = '')
Note that the Stream 2A BLAST search can not be run from a path (list of directories leading to your working directory) that contains any space characters
Practice data arranged in the same file format that is produced from the Nanopore MinION, and which can be directly fed into the SituSeq pipeline can be found here in the data directory
The file Nanopore_SRA_metadata.csv contains the SRA accession and corresponding barcode/library IDs for all Nanopore samples used in the SituSeq manuscript
Please cite the SituSeq manuscript: Zorz, J., Li, C., Chakraborty, A. et al. SituSeq: an offline protocol for rapid and remote Nanopore 16S rRNA amplicon sequence analysis. ISME COMMUN. 3, 33 (2023).