
Train the C3D network with my own data set. Video or gif can be supported as a training file. Video streams or image frames can be used as input for detection.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Train the C3D network with my own data set. Video or gif can be supported as a training file. Video streams or image frames can be used as input for detection.


  • opencv-3.2
  • keras-2.0.8
  • tensorflow-1.3

Train your own data

  • Place the data in the datasets/ucf101. The label for training (train_file.txt), label for testing (test_file.txt), are placed in the /ucfTrainTestlist. Record category in classInd.txt.

  • Run video2img.py and save it in the datasets/ucfimgs. Currently gif and video formats are supported.

  • Run make_label_txt.py and generate train_list.txt and test_list.txt.

  • Modify model.py, such as lines 7~9.

  • Modify train_c3d.py, such as lines 158~164. Run train_c3d.py.


  • Modify config.txt
    classInd_path : the file path of the record category
    lr : learning rate (default 0.005)
    momentum : Momentum (default 0.9)
    weights_path : path to the trained model

    Image mode:
    image_read : the path to the image read
    image_write : the path written by the image

    video_image: select input mode
    video: the mode of video input
    image: the mode of image input

  • Modify video_demo.py
    If you want to apply it to the video stream, you must first modify the dictionary(video_stream).
    video_stream[key].[0] : This is an array that records 16 video frames as input to the model.
    video_stream[key].[1] : the path to the data.
    video_stream[key].[2] : the path of the model.

  • Run video_demo.py
    Identification of abnormal-event and normal-event:
    normal-event abnormal-event
    Identification of smoking:
    normal-event abnormal-event