Apple Search Ads Campaign Management API (下面简称API)是以程序化方式管理 ASA 广告系列并生成数据报告的 API。在实践中,广告主通常借助此 API 获取数据报告,整合至内部的 BI 系统,或者三方归因平台抓取广告花费数据。量江湖基于此 API 构建了用于管理广告系列、为广告主实现广告 ROI 最大化的智能投放系统。
官方 API 文档: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/apple_search_ads
关于主要的 OAuth 认证部分,可参考下列项目:
此功能首先需要MMP 的产品升级支持;量江湖了解到各个MMP正在升级其花费功能模块,具体进度需以其官方宣布为准。
开发者可通过此 API 获取花费报表、账户层级id-name对照等数据,将数据整合到 app 的后台系统中。
联系量江湖(或者您的账户管理员),邀请您使用 ASA 平台,授予权限
您将接收到包含链接和验证码的邀请邮件,点击链接并输入验证码,登录苹果 ASA 后台,完成接受邀请
# 生成私钥,下面第5步需用到
openssl ecparam -genkey -name prime256v1 -noout -out YOUR-PRIVATE-KEY.pem
# 生成公钥
openssl ec -in YOUR-PRIVATE-KEY.pem -pubout -out YOUR-PUBLIC-KEY.pem
将公钥(YOUR-PUBLIC-KEY.pem文件内容)粘贴到 ASA 后台(设置 > API),生成 clientId, teamId, keyId
结合如上三个Id,实现一段代码,使用私钥签名生成 client secret,有效期最长可设置为 180 天,以下是 Python 代码示例:
import jwt
import datetime as dt
client_id = 'SEARCHADS.27478e71-3bb0-4588-998c-182e2b405577'
team_id = 'SEARCHADS.27478e71-3bb0-4588-998c-182e2b405577'
key_id = 'bacaebda-e219-41ee-a907-e2c25b24d1b2'
audience = 'https://appleid.apple.com'
alg = 'ES256'
# Define issue timestamp.
issued_at_timestamp = int(dt.datetime.utcnow().timestamp())
# Define expiration timestamp. May not exceed 180 days from issue timestamp.
expiration_timestamp = issued_at_timestamp + 86400*180
# Define JWT headers.
headers = dict()
headers['alg'] = alg
headers['kid'] = key_id
# Define JWT payload.
payload = dict()
payload['sub'] = client_id
payload['aud'] = audience
payload['iat'] = issued_at_timestamp
payload['exp'] = expiration_timestamp
payload['iss'] = team_id
# Path to signed private key.
with open(KEY_FILE,'r') as key_file:
key = ''.join(key_file.readlines())
client_secret = jwt.encode(
with open('client_secret.txt', 'w') as output:
- 通过 client secret 从鉴权服务器获得访问令牌 access_token,有效期为 1 个小时
curl -X POST "https://appleid.apple.com/auth/oauth2/token" \
-H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
-d 'grant_type=client_credentials&client_id={client_id}&client_secret={client_secret}&scope=searchadsorg'
import requests
url = "https://appleid.apple.com/auth/oauth2/token"
headers = {"Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"}
data = { "grant_type": "client_credentials", "client_id": "XXXclient_id", "client_secret": "YYYclient_secret", "scope": "searchadsorg"}
r = requests.post(url, headers=headers, data=data)
- 在请求广告管理 API 的 Header Authorization 参数中将访问令牌 access_token 作为 Bearer 传递,请求示例如下:
curl "https://api.searchads.apple.com/api/v4/campaigns"
-H "Authorization: Bearer {access_token}" \
-H "X-AP-Context: orgId={orgId}"
curl -v -X GET https://api.searchads.apple.com/api/v4/acls \
-H "Authorization: Bearer {access_token}"
"data": [
"orgName": "OrgNameXXX",
"orgId": 1234678,
"currency": "USD",
"timeZone": "America/Los_Angeles",
"paymentModel": "LOC",
"roleNames": [
"API Read Only"
"parentOrgId": 100123
"orgName": "OrgNameYYY",
"orgId": 1234789,
"currency": "USD",
"timeZone": "America/Los_Angeles",
"paymentModel": "LOC",
"roleNames": [
"API Read Only"
"parentOrgId": 100123
"pagination": null,
"error": null
curl -v -X GET "https://api.searchads.apple.com/api/v4/campaigns" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer {access_token}" \
-H 'X-AP-Context: orgId={orgId}' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json'
"data": [
"id": 1234567890,
"orgId": 1234567890,
"name": "Campaign Name",
"budgetAmount": {
"amount": "20000000",
"currency": "USD"
"dailyBudgetAmount": {
"amount": "400",
"currency": "USD"
"adamId": 1234567890,
# ....
# ...
"pagination": {
"totalResults": 2,
"startIndex": 0,
"itemsPerPage": 2
"error": null
curl -v -X GET "https://api.searchads.apple.com/api/v4/campaigns?fields=id,name,countriesOrRegions" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer {access_token}" \
-H 'X-AP-Context: orgId={orgId}' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json'
"data": [
"id": 123456789011,
"name": "us-campaign-name",
"countriesOrRegions": [
"id": 123456789022,
"name": "il-campaign-name",
"countriesOrRegions": [
"pagination": {
"totalResults": 2,
"startIndex": 0,
"itemsPerPage": 2
"error": null
- 报表接口 URL 包括 /reports/
- 报表接口使用 POST 请求方法
curl -v -X POST "https://api.searchads.apple.com/api/v4/reports/campaigns" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer {access_token}" \
-H 'X-AP-Context: orgId={orgId}' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
"startTime": "2021-06-14",
"endTime": "2021-06-16",
"granularity": "DAILY",
"selector": {
"orderBy": [
"field": "localSpend",
"sortOrder": "DESCENDING"
"pagination": {
"offset": 0,
"limit": 1000
"timeZone": "ORTZ",
"returnRecordsWithNoMetrics": false,
"returnRowTotals": false,
"returnGrandTotals": false
"data": {
"reportingDataResponse": {
"row": [
"other": false,
"total": {
"impressions": 123456,
"taps": 123456,
"installs": 123456,
"newDownloads": 123456,
"redownloads": 123456,
"latOnInstalls": 123456,
"latOffInstalls": 123456,
"ttr": 0.123456,
"avgCPA": {
"amount": "1.23456",
"currency": "USD"
"avgCPT": {
"amount": "1.23456",
"currency": "USD"
"localSpend": {
"amount": "1234.56",
"currency": "USD"
"conversionRate": 0.123456
"metadata": {
"campaignId": 1234567890,
"campaignName": "campaignName",
"deleted": false,
"campaignStatus": "ENABLED",
"app": {
"appName": "appName",
"adamId": 1234567890
"servingStatus": "RUNNING",
"servingStateReasons": null,
"countriesOrRegions": [
"modificationTime": "2020-11-13T08:47:36.054",
"totalBudget": {
"amount": "20000000",
"currency": "USD"
"dailyBudget": {
"amount": "8000",
"currency": "USD"
"displayStatus": "RUNNING",
"supplySources": [
"adChannelType": "SEARCH",
"orgId": 1234567890,
"countryOrRegionServingStateReasons": {},
"countryOrRegion": "US"
"grandTotals": {
"other": false,
"total": {
"impressions": 123456,
"taps": 123456,
"installs": 123456,
"newDownloads": 123456,
"redownloads": 123456,
"latOnInstalls": 123456,
"latOffInstalls": 123456,
"ttr": 0.123456,
"avgCPA": {
"amount": "1.23456",
"currency": "USD"
"avgCPT": {
"amount": "1.23456",
"currency": "USD"
"localSpend": {
"amount": "1234.56",
"currency": "USD"
"conversionRate": 0.123456
"pagination": {
"totalResults": 2,
"startIndex": 0,
"itemsPerPage": 2
"error": null
对于实施过 V3 版本的开发者,以下几个是 Apple Search Ads API 4.0 版本的主要变化:
另外,报表中还会增加 avgCPM 指标,其计算方式为:(spend*1000)/impressions