

Primary LanguagePython

The component and details of the project(__edition_0.5_)
This is a Sina Weibo Spider archieved by server terminal and client terminal.
The Server terminal mainly deal with 3 tasks.

    1.      Get proxy from http proxy website. Unfortunately, not all proxy scratched from website
        is valid. In fact, almost one quarter of them is valid. So, it is important to check if
        those proxy is valid. One thread of server will manage a proxy pool.
            Raw and unchecked proxy will scratched from website, and this thread will arrange these
        raw proxy to several sub thread, each sub thread will check if the arranged proxy is
        valid. If so, these proxy will be sent to valid proxy pool and ready for use.
            Besides, the valid proxy may extend after some time. So it is necessary to check if the
        proxy in proxy pool is valid.

    2.      The second part is communicating with clients. Clients will require proxy and task from
        server. While client finish the task of getting info of users, they will return the user info
        to server. When received this user info , server will store then in cache database.

    3.      The 3rd part of function is dealing with the data in cache databases. The attends of user
        will be checked if already exist in user_info_table. If not, the user will be inserted into
        user_info_table. And no matter whether it exists, the user will be deleted from ready_to_get
        table. And ,as for attends, if they are not contained in user_info_table, they will be inserted
        to ready_to_get table.


    _0.5_   :   add the function of scratching the history of certain user
    _0.4_   :   if the average proxy size less than 30, refuse to assignment task to client
    _0.3_   :   drop the attends whoes fans num less than 1000
    _0.2_   :   add the partition to monitor the state of proxy pool
    _0.1_   :   the initial edition