Efficient Compiler Autotuning via Bayesian Optimization(BOCA)

This is the implementation repository of our approach: Efficient Compiler Autotuning via Bayesian Optimization.


BOCA is the first Bayesian optimization based approach for compiler autotuning. The goal is to tune compiler's optimization flags as efficient as possible in order to achieve the required runtime performance of the compiled programs. We further propose a searching strategy in BOCA to improve the efficiency of Bayesian optimization that can strike a balance between exploitation and exploration. We conduct extensive experiments to investigate the effectiveness of BOCA based on GCC 4.7.7 , LLVM 2.9 and GCC 8.3.1. BOCA significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art compiler autotuning approaches and Bayesion optimization methods in terms of the time spent on achieving specified speedups, demonstrating the effectiveness of BOCA.



We used two most popular C compilers (i.e., GCC and LLVM) and two widely-used C benchmarks (i.e., CBench and PolyBench), which have been widely used in many existing studies. Also 5 Csmith generated programs.

Compiler Version Optimization flags number
GCC 4.7.7 71
LLVM 2.9 64
GCC 8.3.1 86

Under the directory flaglist, there are two files: gcc4flags.txt, llvmflags.txt and gcc8flags.txt, which contain flags used for GCC compiler and for LLVM compiler seperately.

ID Program Number of Source Lines of Code
C1 consumer_jpeg_c 26,950
C2 security_sha 297
C3 automotive_bitcount 954
C4 automotive_susan_e 2,129
C5 automotive_susan_c 2,129
C6 automotive_susan_s 2,129
C7 bzip2e 7,200
C8 consumer_tiff2rgba 22,321
C9 telecom_adpcm_c 389
C10 office_rsynth 5,412
P1 2mm 252
P2 3mm 267
P3 cholesky 212
P4 jacobi-2d 200
P5 lu 210
P6 correlation 248
P7 nussinov 569
P8 symm 231
P9 heat-3d 211
P10 covariance 218
CSmith1 trainprogram1.c 4160
CSmith2 trainprogram2.c 11793
CSmith3 trainprogram3.c 10049
CSmith4 trainprogram4.c 8703
CSmith5 trainprogram5.c 12246

CBench, Polybench and 5 Csmith programs are under the cbench, polybench and Csmith directory respectively.


Under this folder, a .pdf file shows the results from 20th iteration to 60th iteration. In this file, a cross means that the approaches timed out in the experiment. Also, the optimal sequences of different programs are shown in important_flags.txt, where flags among the impactful ones are listed before those that are not impactful. The two kinds of flags are delimited by a "||". Raw_data_for_results.txt shows the speedups and time of different methods. The .pdf file is generated from this. In the header of this file, there are instructions explaining how to read the file.



Our study is conducted on a workstation with 16- core Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2640 v3, 126G memory, and CentOS 6.10 operating system. (Note: in docker environment)

Source code

Under examples directory, there are source codes written by us.

script Description
boca.py Compiler Autotuning via Bayesian Optimization.
bocas.py BOCA with the local search strategy used in SMAC.
ga.py Genetic Algorithm based Iterative Optimization (initial size of 4).
irace.py Irace-based Iterative Optimization.
rio.py Random Iterative Optimization.
tpe.py an advanced general Bayesian optimization.

Compile with GCC/LLVM

They are examples showing commands we used to compile benchmark programs with C compilers (i.e., GCC and LLVM) .


Compile CBench programs under current directory using GCC with optimization flag -targetlibinfo and -tti using command line.

gcc -fbranch-count-reg -fcaller-saves -c *.c 
gcc -fbranch-count-reg -fcaller-saves -lm *.o
time ./a.out # execute

Compile Polybench programs 3mm using GCC with optimization flag -fbranch-count-reg and-fcaller-saves using command line.

gcc -O2 -fbranch-count-reg -fcaller-saves -I utilities -I linear-algebra/kernels/3mm utilities/polybench.c linear-algebra/kernels/3mm/3mm.c -lm -DPOLYBENCH_TIME -o 3mm_time
time ./3mm_time # execute

Compile Csmith program trainprogram1.c using GCC with optimization flag -fbranch-count-reg and-fcaller-saves using command line.

gcc -g -Wall -std=c99 -O2 -fbranch-count-reg -fcaller-saves trainprogram1.c -I csmith_home/runtime -o a.out
time ./a.out # execute


There are more steps to compile program(s) with LLVM than with GCC since the front, middle and back ends of LLVM are controlled by three commands instead of one.

Compile CBench programs under current directory using LLVM with optimization flag -targetlibinfo and -tti using Python.

for file in cur_dir:
	if file.endswith('.c') and file.startswith('._') != True:

		clangcmd = 'clang -O0 -scalarrepl  -emit-llvm -c -I./ ' + file + ' -o ' + file[:-1] + 'bc'	
		optcmd = 'opt -targetlibinfo -tti -S ' + file[:-1] + 'bc -o ' + file[:-1] + 'opt.bc'
		llccmd = 'llc  -O2 -filetype=obj ' + file[:-1] + 'opt.bc -o ' + file[:-1] + 'o'

cmd = 'clang   -O0 -scalarrepl -lm *.o'

os.system('time ./a.out') # execute

Compile Polybench program 3mm using LLVM with optimization flag -targetlibinfo and -tti using Python.

files = os.listdir('./')

for file in 3mm_dir:
	if file.endswith('.c') and file.startswith('._') != True:
		file_name = file.split('/')[-1][:-1]
		clangcmd = 'clang -O0 -scalarrepl  -emit-llvm -I ../utilities -I ./ -c ' + file + ' -o ' + file_name + 'bc '
		optcmd = 'opt -targetlibinfo -tti -S ' + file_name + 'bc -o ' + file_name + 'opt.bc '
		llccmd = 'llc  -O2 -filetype=obj ' + file_name + 'opt.bc -o ' + file_name + 'o '
cmd = 'clang -O0 -scalarrepl -lm *.o '

os.system('time ./a.out') # execute

Compile Csmith program test.c using LLVM with optimization flag -targetlibinfo and -tti using command line.

clang -O0 -emit-llvm -c -I csmith_home/runtime trainprogram1.c -o trainprogram1.c.bc
opt -targetlibinfo -tti -S trainprogram1.c.bc -o trainprogram1.c.opt.bc
llc -O3 -filetype=obj trainprogram1.c.opt.bc -o trainprogram1.c.o
clang -O0 -lm *.o 

time ./a.out # execute

In boca.py, we compile and execute a program from Polybench by GCC compiler. In ga.py, we show how we test the approach on a program from CBench by GCC compiler. In rio.py compiles and executes a program from Polybench by LLVM compiler.

All combinations of programs and compilers can be used in the experiment in a similar way to these examples.