
Demo app stack using Vagrant, Virtual box, Ansible and Docker

Primary LanguageJava

Test Demo

This repo contains configurationf files and codes providing an example of provisioning a multi-tier server architecture environment using Vagrant, Virturalbox, Ansible and Docker.

The original requirment is here

Disclaimer: This is not a secure setup. It is only for test and demo purpose.


You will need to have Vagrant and Virturalbox installed in your host machine. You can find the details of installation below:

Spin Up

Simply run below command on your console:

$ vagrant up

After all the process is done, you can visit the result on your local browser using address http://localhost:8333. It will show a list of movies which is the outcome of querying mysql server.

Note: I chose to use port 8333 instead of port 80 from the requirement to avoid port conflict on the host machine because 80 is usually occupied.



                                       Host Machine

    |                                            |:8080                           |
    |                                            |                                |
    |                                +-----------+------------+                   |
    |     +-----------+              |                        |                   |
    |     |           |       +----> |    WEB Server          |                   |
    |     |           |       |      |         |                   |
    |     |           |       |      +-----------+------------+                   |
    |     |           |       |                  |                                |
    |     |   Ansible |  ssh  |                  |                     VMs        |
    |     |   Control +-------+                  | :3306                          |
    |     |   Server  |       |                  |                                |
    |     |           |       |      +-----------+------------+                   |
    |     |           |       |      |                        |                   |
    |     +-----------+       +----> |      Mysql Server      |                   |
    |              |        |                   |
    |                                +------------------------+                   |
    |                                            |:3306                           |

There are three VMs in this example:

  • Ansible Control which works as the provisioning server using Ansible
  • Web server. It has a simple web app runs in a docker container (original codes are in demo-app folder whereas the docker image hosted in https://hub.docker.com/r/liangrog/telstra-demo-app/), which listens to incoming request via port 8080 then serve it with result from query to a table in the mysql server
  • Mysql server runs mysql and has a demo database contains one table that has a list of movies

Provisioning work flow:

                              vagrant up
                       Download centos7 vagrant box
                         Create web server vm
                         Create mysql server vm
                 Create Ansible control vm then:
                 1. run provision.sh to setup Ansible runtime
                 2. run Ansible playbook to provision web server and mysql server

            Web Sever provisioning                      Mysql server provisioning
                     +                                             +
                     |                                             |
                     v                                             v
       Install Docker and Docker compose           Install mariadb sever and setup users
                     +                                             +
                     |                                             |
                     v                                             v
    Run docker compose to spin up web app                 Load demo database