
:cloud: SDK of Node.js for Aliyun ONS. :rocket:

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Aliyun ONS SDK for Node.js

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SDK of Node.js for Aliyun ONS.

ONS (Open Notification Service) is a message queue service of aliyun based on MetaQ (RocketMQ).

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$ npm install --save ons

NOTE: Because of Aliyun ONS C++ SDK's closed source, it only provides Linux and Windows library file (libonsclient4cpp.a, ONSClientCPP.lib). So you can only install this package under Linux and Windows 64x so far.

If you need to develop under OSX, please run a vagrant or a docker.


You should turn on ONS first and then get an access key and a secret key. In next step you should create a consumer id or a producer id, and a topic.

You can do steps above by refering to help desk and aliyun console.


Here's some examples for consumer and producer.


You can create a consumer by code following:

var Consumer = require("ons").Consumer;

OPTIONS is optional and any parameters in OPTIONS are optional too.


    namesrvAddr: "",
    onsAddr: "http://onsaddr-internet.aliyun.com:80/rocketmq/nsaddr4client-internet",

    threadNum: 3
  • namesrvAddr: the ONS server address
  • onsAddr: an address to fetch ONS server address
  • threadNum: worker thread count
  • order: true if you want it be OrderConsumer

Next step you should set one or more message receive function to that consumer.

consumer.on("message", function(msg, ack) {
    // this function will be emitted while receiving a message
    // after finishing this, call `ack.done(true)` or `ack.done(false)` to tell
    // ONS whether you're successful.
    // `ack.done()` equals to `ack.done(true)`

After creating a consumer and set listener, you should initialize for it and then listen.

consumer.init(function(err) {
    if(err) return console.log(err);

That's easy! And what's more, you can stop it when you want.

consumer.stop(function() {
    // closed

CAUTION: You should ack all received messages (whether done(true) or done(false)) before you call consumer.stop(), or you won't get callback function called in stop and consumer won't be stopped.

What's more, you'd better to stop consumer before your program exited. e.g.

process.on("SIGINT", function() {
    consumer.stop(function() {

You should write down your exit code in your own scene.


You can create a producer by code following:

var Producer = require("ons").Producer;
var producer = new Producer(PRODUCER_ID, ACCESS_KEY, SECRET_KEY, OPTIONS);

OPTIONS is optional and any parameters in OPTIONS are optional too. e.g.

    namesrvAddr: "",
    onsAddr: "http://onsaddr-internet.aliyun.com:80/rocketmq/nsaddr4client-internet",

    sendTimeout: 1000
  • namesrvAddr: the ONS server address
  • onsAddr: an address to fetch ONS server address
  • sendTimeout: timeout for sending a message
  • order: true if you want it be OrderProducer

After creating a producer, you should start it.

producer.start(function(err) {
    if(err) return console.log(err);

Now you can send message(s)!

producer.send([KEY,] TOPIC, TAGS, CONTENT, [SHARDING_KEY,] [DELAY,] function(err, messageId) {

// or key / shardingKey / delay (ms) / callback are optional parameter

producer.send(TOPIC, TAGS, CONTENT, function(err, messageId) {

NOTICE 1: SHARDING_KEY is only for OrderProducer, each message in same SHARDING_KEY will send one by one in order and OrderConsumer will receive messages in same SHARDING_KEY one by one in order.

NOTICE 2: callback is optional when it's not OrderProducer. If no callback passed, message will be sent in oneway method.

That's easy! And what's more, you can stop it when you want.

producer.stop(function() {
    // closed

CAUTION: you'd better to stop producer before your program exited. e.g.

process.on("SIGINT", function() {
    producer.stop(function() {

You should write down your exit code in your own scene.

Original Logs

This feature is available under Linux so far.

By default C++ ONS SDK will generate a log file. So we create a tail stream to watch it.

const logger = require("ons").logger;
logger.on("data", function(data) {
    console.log("[ORIG LOG]", data);

// [ORIG LOG] ... register sendMessageHook success,hookname is OnsSendMessageHook ...
// ...
// [ORIG LOG] ... register consumeMessageHook success,hookname is OnsConsumerMessageHook ...
// ...
// [ORIG LOG] ... shutdown producerl successfully ...
// ...
// [ORIG LOG] ... shutdown pushConsumer successfully ...
// ...

NOTICE: C++ ONS SDK will create only one log file per process, so logger is a singleton.

C++ SDK Changelog

Here's original C++ ONS SDK changelog.

NOTICE: It's only the changelog for the original C++ SDK. Node.js SDK may not use all new features of original SDK.


You're welcome to fork and make pull requests!
