
Memcached client library for nodejs with ES6 promisified methods

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Client library of Memcached for nodejs using ES6 promisified methods

Build Status Coverage Status Code Climate


  • Implemented ES6 features
  • Any store and get operation returns Promise
  • Auto reconnection if memcahed server is down unexpectedly
  • Connection pooling per host, scaling


$ npm install node-memcached-client


Callback style connect:

const Memcached = require('node-memcached-client');
const client = new Memcached({
  host: 'localhost',
  port: 11211

client.on('connect', () => {
  client.set('foo', 'bar', false, 100)
  .then(() => {
      return client.get('foo');
  .then(foo => {
    console.log(foo); // bar

Promise style connect:

const Memcached = require('node-memcached-client');
const client = new Memcached({
  host: 'localhost',
  port: 11211

.then(c => {
  c.set('foo', 'bar', false, 100)
  .then(() => c.get('foo'))
  .then(foo => {
    console.log(foo); // bar

Client Options

name type default value description
host string 'localhost' Memcached server to connect
port Number 11211 Memcached port to connect
autoreconnect Boolean false Client tries to reconnect
commandTimeout Number 2000 Duration times of command timeout (msec)
reconnectDuration Number 2000 Duration times of reconnect (msec)
maxRetryConnectCount Numer 10 Retry times to reconnect

Connection Pooling Settings

Pooling configuration enable to change by environment variables:

name type default value description
MEMCACHED_CLIENT_MAX_POOL_SIZE Number 1 Connection pooling size per host:port signature
MEMCACHED_CLIENT_SCALE_THRESHOLD_SIZE Number 100 Threshold to increase client connection