tipset is a tool collection about various tips under linux.
# pip install tipset
# pip install git+
# python3 sdist bdist_wheel
# pip install -U dist/tipsearch-0.0.1-py3-none-any.whl
Public new wheels on pypi (maintainer use only)
# python3 -m twine upload dist/*
There are 4 utils included currently(under /usr/local/bin by default).
aws_resource_monitor: monitor resources on aws.
json_parser: convert json to yaml or plain text.
rhcert_manager: interact with rhcert web console in cli.
rp_manager: interact with reportportal in cli.
tipsearch: a collection of tips under linux, get to know the command usage with examples instead of looking for man page.
# query resources with specific tag
$ aws_resource_monitor --filters '[{"Name":"tag:Name","Values":["xiliang*"]}]' --profile xxx --region us-west-2
# query ami with specific id
$ aws_resource_monitor --filters '[{"Name":"image-id","Values":["ami-xxxxxx"]}]' --profile xxx --region us-east-1 --type ami
# query volumes exist days over 300 and delete them
$ aws_resource_monitor --days 300 --profile xxx --region us-west-2 --type volume --delete
# query instance with specific id and delete it directly
$ aws_resource_monitor --filters '[{"Name":"instance-id","Values":["i-0cf52ed8ea39xxxxxx"]}]' --profile xxx --region us-west-2 --type instance --delete
# delete resources from csv file
$ aws_resource_monitor --profile rhui-dev --region us-west-2 --type ami --resource /tmp/aws_images.csv --delete
Filters Ref:
rhcert_manager usage examples (cfg template)
# init token firstly
$ rhcert_manager token --init
# create new product
$ rhcert_manager product --partnerId xxx --category 'Cloud Instance Type' --name xxx --make xxx --model xxx --description xxx --productUrl xxx --specUrl xxx --supportUrl xxx --new
# create new cert for RHEL-8.7 x86_64 arch
$ rhcert_manager cert --classificationId 1 --partnerProductId xxx --certificationTypeId 61 --content '{"versionId":"2327","platformId":"7"}' --new
# query the cert ticket info
$ rhcert_manager cert --id xxx --list
# upload the attachment to cert ticket
$ rhcert_manager cert --id xxx --caseNumber xxx --attachment xxx --attachment_desc 'Auto uploaded.' --attachment_upload
rp_manager usage examples (cfg template)
# create new launch by uploading test logdir
$ rp_manager launch --cfg rp_manager.yaml --new --logdir XXXX
# list launch by launch uuid or id
$ rp_manager launch --cfg rp_manager.yaml --uuid <launch UUID> --list
# trigger auto analyze by launch uuid
$ rp_manager launch --cfg rp_manager.yaml --uuid <launch UUID> --analyze
# delete launch by launch uuid
$ rp_manager launch --cfg rp_manager.yaml --uuid <launch UUID> --delete
# list current user information
$ rp_manager user --list
Below is a simple example to search sed examples from subject.
$ tipsearch -k sed -f subject
INFO:Run in mode: keywords:sed fields: subject tipids: None sum_only: False
INFO:Loading baseline data file from /home/xiliang/p3_venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/tipset/data/tips_data.json
INFO:tipid:tip_61 subject:sed examples
INFO:step:sed -i "97d;98d" /tmp/1 (delete line 97, 98)
INFO:step:sed -n '22,30p' /tmp/2 (display 22~30 line)
INFO:step:sed -i "/foos/d" /tmp/1 (find and delete the match line)
INFO:step:sed -i '1s/^/add to new top line\n/' /tmp/1 (add new line at top)
INFO:step:sed -i 's/\(^.*100.*$\)///\1/' /tmp/1 (insert \\ at the head of matched line)
INFO:step:sed -i 's/^foo/#comment out as bug 1464851\n&/g' /tmp/1 (add one line before matched)
INFO:step:sed -e 's/^foo.*/report/g' /tmp/1 (replace entire line with other)
INFO:step:sed '1!G;h;$!d' /tmp/2 (revers file line, move top to down)
INFO:tags:bash, sed
INFO:Total found: 1
All test files are locating in "tipset" directory.
$ pip3 show -f tipset
Name: tipset
Version: 0.0.1
Summary: tipset is a colletion of mini tools.
Author: Xiao Liang
License: GPLv3+
Location: /home/xiliang/p3_venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages
Requires: argparse
You are welcomed to create pull request or raise issue.