
Simple, portable C++ memory leak detector and analyzer

Primary LanguageC++


MemoryAnalyzer is a very simple, portable memory information tool for C++ projects. It was written for educational purposes, for determining the correct memory scheme to use when developing video games (for example, to help the user determine whether using a pool would be worthwhile), and for detecting leaks. It was written with single-threaded applications in mind and is not thread-safe (although you are free to extend it for multi-threaded apps) and has very few dependencies, all of which are part of the standard library. MemoryAnalyzer was also designed to be simple to understand and use (both installation and usage).

Note that since it was written with portability in mind, it does not have all the features of memory tools written specifically for your platform. It is also not intended to replace the more sophisticated tools out there (such as Valgrind), but to serve as an easy-to-use, portable tool which you can use to check for leaks and get an overview of your program's memory-related behavior.

Installation & Usage

Installation is very simple--just copy the header and source files to your project directory and include "MemoryAnalyzer.h" at the very beginning of your program (before any other includes).

Comprehensive usage help can be found in the Docs/html/ folder (start at index.htm).