
A text replacement based faster rcnn data interface generator

Primary LanguagePython

Python Faster-RCNN Data Interface Generator

The purpose of this tool is to generate dataset interface of Faster-RCNN(FRCN) that can help you to deploy training on your own dataset as fast as possible.


This tool will generate dataset interface like pascal_voc.py, voc_eval.py and factory.py. Also a set of net prototxt files like py-faster-rcnn/models/pascal_voc. And a bash script similar to py-faster-rcnn/experiments/scripts/faster_rcnn_end2end.sh

Before using this generator, please make sure you have already set up a voc-like tree structure of your dataset(in your py-faster-rcnn/data/ folder):

	└── data
		├── Annotations
		│   └── *.xml
		├── ImageSets
		│   └── Main
		│       ├── train.txt
		│       └── test.txt
		└── JPEGImages
    			└── *.jpg

Then you can run the generate.py to generate interface, prototxt and script files


--froot: absolute path to your faster-rcnn root.

--idname: name your dataset, whatever you want. It will be used in the future training.

--cls: class names in your dataset, use comma to split them (e.g: cat,dog,tiger)

--dvkt: absolute path to your dataset devkit(mentioned above)

notice that

Please notice that, the tool will do everything automatically for you except for generating of factory.py-like file.

In case of changing this factory.py file without any backup, the tool will not overwrite it but create a new <idname>_factory.py file for you.

You have 2 options to complete the last step manually:

  1. Backup the original factory.py file and replace it with the generating one.
  2. Copy the code block displayed in the task summary into the factory.py.


deboc's tutorial