
test scalability of nova db joinload vs json

Primary LanguagePython

Internal test code for nova db joinload/json.


First, you need to modify the /etc/security/limits.conf to enlarge the max number of open files 'nofile' for the rabbitmq user and the client, and restart the rabbitmq-server.

To run this test, you must have a working nova code(from github master branch) installed on the machine, as well as the mysql. You then have to modify the novadbtest.conf file to set correct sql_connection option for this test.


  1. Create the DB tables if hasn't been done:

    ./novadbtest-initdb.py [options]


--num_comp NUM_COMP: Number of compute node to be created. Default is 10000.

--num_stat NUM_STAT: Number of stat record of each compute node, Default is 20. If join_stats is False, these stats will be stored as json encoded TEXT in the cpu_info column.

--join_stats : Whether to generate stats data for each compute node for DB join. Default is False.

  1. Start the nova-conductor service using the config file novadbtest.conf:

    nova-conductor --config-file ./novadbtest.conf

  2. Start to mimic nova_compute service to create compute nodes in DB and mimic the periodic updates.

    ./novadbtest-compute.py [options]


--num NUM: How many compute nodes to udpate, 0 means all. Default is 0.

--num_proc NUM_PROC: Number of subprocesses to launch to mimic the nova-compute updates. Each subprocess will update the number of NUM/NUM_PROC compute nodes at a periodic interval of 60/NUM_PROC seconds. Default is 100.

--start START: Skip the first num of START compute nodes for updating, 0 means no skip. Default is 0.

--periodic_fuzzy_delay PERIODIC_FUZZY_DELAY: Range of seconds to randomly delay when starting the periodic task to reduce stampeding. Default is 60. (Disable by setting to 0)

  1. Test the performance of compute_node_get_all() call.

    ./novadbtest.py [options]


--total TOTAL: Number of run.


We can have several nova-conductor and novadbtest-compute.py on different machines for scale out test, as long as we have the correct settings in the novadbtest.conf configuration file.