
A Simple Package for Deployment Laravel App with Git FTP Method, Easy Configuration, Rollback Deploy, CI/CD

Primary LanguagePHP

Laravel GIT-FTP

A Simple Package for Deployment Laravel App with Git FTP Server Method and SSH Server, Easy Configuration, Rollback Deploy, CI/CD

Screenshot 2023-07-03 115658



Before using this package you must install and running GIT-FTP in your Local System https://github.com/git-ftp/git-ftp](https://github.com/git-ftp/git-ftp/blob/master/INSTALL.md


Require this package with composer. It is recommended to only require the package for development.

  1. Install with Composer
composer require lianmafutra/deploy --dev
  1. First publish config and console command into your app directory', by running the following command:
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="LianMafutra\Deploy\LibraryServiceProvider" --tag=deploy --force

will be create file : app/Console/Commands/Deploy.php , app/Console/Commands/DeploySetup.php, config/deploy.php

Package Configuration

  1. In your .env file, add the your SSH server host production and FTP account :
#Sample Configuration

  1. Run Command Setup, to test configuration :
php artisan deploy:setup


Setup is complete !

  1. you can custom command deploy in config/deploy.php , default command like this :
  'command-first-deploy' => [
      'composer install --no-interaction --prefer-dist --optimize-autoloader --no-dev',
      'php artisan down',
      'php artisan optimize',
      'php artisan storage:link',
      'php artisan migrate --force',
      'php artisan auth:clear-resets',
      'php artisan view:clear',
      'php artisan view:cache',
      'php artisan up'
   'command-deploy' => [
      'composer install --prefer-dist --no-scripts -q -o',
      'php artisan down',
      'php artisan optimize',
      'php artisan view:clear',
      'php artisan view:cache',
      'php artisan up'
   'command-optimize' => [
      'php artisan down',
      'php artisan optimize',
      'php artisan view:clear',
      'php artisan view:cache',
      'php artisan up'


  1. Run Command Terminal :
php artisan deploy
  1. Terminal Show Option, Select option with type number :

Screenshot 2023-07-03 115658

  • [1] First Deploy : First Upload Project to server
  • [2] Deploy Push : Push New Commit file with GIT FTP and Auto run command through SSH server with command php artisan down, php artisan optimize, php artisan view:clear, php artisan view:cache finally php artisan up
  • [3] Only Optimize : No Push commit, only run optimize in production
  • [4] Rollback Previous : Rollback last commit in GIT locally and push to server production, you can fix in local with default branch and push again after fix


If you have error/failed to first git ftp init or first deploy, you must check this pull request git-ftp core error fix ( out of memory curl ), open git-ftp file and change it like this pull request git-ftp/git-ftp#638


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.
