
Spatial-Time Visualization Library using Deck.GL

Primary LanguageTypeScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0




This software is developed mainly by Kawaguchi lab, supported by JST OPERA (Program on Open Innovation Platform with Enterprises, Research Institute and Academia) This library is for visualizing moving objects and the additional info of them using Deck.GL (http://uber.github.io/deck.gl/) developed by UBER



  • Install node, npm
  • Acquire Mapbox accesstoken

Run the software

git clone https://github.com/Harmoware/Harmoware-VIS
cd Harmoware-VIS
npm install
# example bus3d
npm run bus3d

Using Harmoware-VIS

Mapbox Accesstoken Setting

Acquire the Accesstoken from mapbox.com

User Application Examples

// sample using mapbox
import React from 'react';
import {
  Container, connectToHarmowareVis,
  HarmoVisLayers, MovesLayer, DepotsLayer,
  MovesInput, DepotsInput, SimulationDateTime,
  PauseButton, ForwardButton, ReverseButton, AddMinutesButton,
  ElapsedTimeRange, SpeedRange
} from 'harmoware-vis';

const MAPBOX_TOKEN = XXXXXXXXXX; //Access Token acquired from mapbox.com

class App extends Container {

  render() {
    const { viewport, actions, routePaths, lightSettings,
      animatePause, animateReverse, settime, secperhour, timeBegin, timeLength,
      movesbase, movedData, clickedObject, depotsData } = this.props;

    return (
        <div className="harmovis_controller">
            <li><MovesInput actions={actions} /></li>
            <li><DepotsInput actions={actions} /></li>
            <li>{animatePause ?
              <PlayButton actions={actions} /> :
              <PauseButton actions={actions} />}</li>
            <li>{animateReverse ?
              <ForwardButton actions={actions} /> :
              <ReverseButton actions={actions} />}</li>
            <li><AddMinutesButton addMinutes={-5} actions={actions} />&nbsp;
              <AddMinutesButton addMinutes={5} actions={actions} /></li>
            <li><SimulationDateTime timeBegin={timeBegin} settime={settime} /></li>
            <li><ElapsedTimeRange settime={settime} timeLength={timeLength} actions={actions} /></li>
            <li><SpeedRange secperhour={secperhour} actions={actions} /></li>

        <div className="harmovis_area">
            viewport={viewport} actions={actions}
              new MovesLayer({ routePaths, movesbase, movedData, clickedObject, actions, }),
              new DepotsLayer({ depotsData, }),
export default connectToHarmowareVis(App);

Harmoware-VIS API

Harmoware-VIS State

props Type Default Description
animatePause Boolean false pause the animation
animateReverse Boolean false play the animation backwards
bounds object {} simulation area
defaultPitch Number 30 default angle
defaultZoom Number 11.1 expantion ratio
depotsBase Array [] areas which poses depots data
depotsData Array [] depots data
getDepotsOptionFunc Function null a function to execute depots options
getMovesOptionFunc Function null a function to execute moving objects options
leading Number 100 wait time before executing the simulation
lightSettings object {...} an object that contains light settings
movedData Array [] data for the moving objects
movesbase Array [] areas which poses moving objects data
clickedObject Array null a selected object
routePaths Array [] array of the operation routes
secperhour Number 3 playback speed (sec/hour)
settime Number 0 playback time
timeBegin Number 0 simulation start UNIX time (sec)
timeLength Number 0 simulation span (sec)
trailing Number 180 trailing time after simulation end (sec)
viewport object {...} Viewport of the map
loading Boolean false Loading in progress
inputFileName Object {} Name of each data file being input

Harmoware-VIS Actions

action update props Description
addMinutes(Number) settime add specified time (minutes) to the current settime
setTime(Number) settime set the specified time to the settime
setLeading(Number) leading set the specified time (sec) to the leading
setTrailing(Number) trailing set the specified time (sec) to the trailing
setViewport(object) viewport set the specified view data to the viewport
setLightSettings(object) lightSettings set the specified light source data to the lightSettings
setMovesBase(object/Array) timeBegin, timeLength, bounds, movesbase set the specified simulation base data to the timeBegin timeLength,bounds,movesbase
setDepotsBase(Array) depotsBase set the specified depots position data to the depotsBase
setAnimatePause(Boolean) animatePause set the specified animation playback control data to the animatePause
setAnimateReverse(Boolean) animateReverse set the specified animation forward and reverse control data to the animateReverse
setSecPerHour(Number) secperhour set the specified animation playback speed control data (sec/hour) to the secperhour
setClicked(Array) clickedObject set the specified clicked object data to the clickedObject
setRoutePaths(Array) routePaths set the specified route path data to the routePaths
setDefaultZoom(Number) defaultZoom set the specified default map zoom value to the defaultZoom
setDefaultPitch(Number) defaultPitch set the specified default map pitch value to the defaultPitch
setMovesOptionFunc(Function) getMovesOptionFunc set the specified moves data option info process function to the getMovesOptionFunc
setDepotsOptionFunc(Function) getDepotsOptionFunc set the specified depots data option info process function to the getDepotsOptionFunc
setLoading(Function) loading set the specified Loading in progress to the loading


This is the class inherited from React.Component. This is the base component of the Harmoware-VIS library which updates settime and animation frame. Please output DOM with the render method.

// using mapbox
import React from 'react';
import { Container, connectToHarmowareVis, HarmoVisLayers, ... } from 'harmoware-vis';
class App extends Container {
  render() {
    const { viewport, actions, ... } = this.props;
    return (
        viewport={viewport}  actions={actions} mapboxApiAccessToken={ ... } layers={[ ... ]}
export default connectToHarmowareVis(App);
// without using mapbox
import React from 'react';
import { Container, connectToHarmowareVis, HarmoVisNonMapLayers, ... } from 'harmoware-vis';
class App extends Container {
  render() {
    const { viewport, actions, ... } = this.props;
    return (
        viewport={viewport}  actions={actions} layers={[ ... ]}
export default connectToHarmowareVis(App);


Utility to synchronize the state of connectToHarmowareVis to the prop of container component. Since state and actions are directly connected, if you prefer other bind methods, you need to make Utility yourself.


Display the layer that inherits the Layer class of deck.gl on the map obtained from mapbox.

  viewport={this.props.viewport} actions={this.props.actions}
  layers={ [ ... ] }
HarmoVisLayers Properties
Properties PropTypes Default Description
actions object required -- Harmoware-VIS state actions
viewport object required -- Harmoware-VIS state viewport
mapboxApiAccessToken string required -- The access token of mapbox.com
mapStyle string option 'mapbox://styles/mapbox/dark-v8' A map style URL of mapbox.com.
layers array required -- Array of Layer instance (※)
onChangeViewport func option this.props.actions.setViewport Harmoware-VIS Actions setViewport

※ The HarmoVisLayers is a component that render the layers that inherits the Layer class of deck.gl.


The HarmoVisNonMapLayers is a component that render the layers that inherits the Layer class of deck.gl without using mapbox.

    viewport={this.props.viewport} actions={this.props.actions}
    layers={ [ ... ] }
HarmoVisNonMapLayers Properties
Properties PropTypes Default Description
actions object required -- Harmoware-VIS state actions
viewport object required -- Harmoware-VIS state viewport
layers array required -- Array of Layer instance (※)
onChangeViewport func option this.props.actions.setViewport Harmoware-VIS Actions setViewport

※ An instance of a class that inherits the Layer class of deck.gl.

Harmoware-VIS Layers

Harmoware-VIS Layer List


The MovesLayer will render moving objects such as vehicles.

<HarmoVisLayers ...
    new MovesLayer( { routePaths: this.props.routePaths,
      movesbase: this.props.movesbase,
      movedData: this.props.movedData,
      clickedObject: this.props.clickedObject,
      actions: this.props.actions 
MovesLayer Properties
Properties PropTypes Default Description
actions object required -- Harmoware-VIS state actions
routePaths Array required -- Harmoware-VIS state routePaths
movesbase Array required -- Harmoware-VIS state movesbase
movedData Array required -- Harmoware-VIS state movedData
visible Boolean option true Icon display availability
clickedObject Array required -- Harmoware-VIS state clickedObject
layerRadiusScale Number option 1 Icon size scale
layerOpacity Number option 0.75 Icon opacity
getRadius Function option x => x.radius ││ 20 Icon radius specification accessor
getColor Function option x => x.color ││ GREEN Icon color specification accessor
optionVisible Boolean option true Option information display availability
optionChange Boolean option false option Display pattern switching
lightSettings object option -- Required if optionVisible is set to true. Harmoware-VIS state lightSettings
optionOpacity Number option 0.25 option Information opacity
optionCellSize Number option 10 option information cell size
optionElevationScale Number option 1 option information elevation scale
getColor1~4 Function option x => (x.optColor && x.optColor[0~3]) ││ x.color ││ GREEN option information color specification accessor
getElevation1~4 Function option x => (x.optElevation && x.optElevation[0~3]) ││ 0 option information elevation specification accessor
getCubeColor Function option x => x.optColor ││ [x.color] ││ [GREEN] option information (cube type) color specification accessor
getCubeElevation Function option x => x.optElevation ││ [0] option information (cube type) elevation specification accessor
The json format of the simulation data file
  • format 1
// bounds timeBegin timeLength movesbase
{   "timeBegin": 9999999999, // simulation start UNIX time (sec)
    "timeLength": 99999, // simulation span (sec)
    "bounds": { // simulation area (north, south, west, east)
        "northlatitude": 99.99999, "southlatitude": 99.99999,
        "westlongitiude" 999.99999, "eastlongitiude": 999.99999,
    "movesbase": [ // Simulation data format *(required)
        { // Define time and route for each operation unit (one operation)
          // (`departuretime`, `arrivaltime`, `elapsedtime` is the elapsed time (sec) from timeBegin)
          // (When `timeBegin` is omitted, `departuretime`, `arrivaltime`, `elapsedtime` is UNIX time (second))
            "departuretime": 99999, // departuretime (sec) *(required)
            "arrivaltime": 99999, // arrivaltime (sec) *(required)
            "operation": [ // Define time and route for each operation unit (one operation) *(required)
                { // Defined by elapsed time
                    "elapsedtime": 99999, // elapsedtime (sec) *(required)
                    // Specified in `position` or `longitude-latitude` format
                    "position": [999.9999, 999.9999, 999.9999], // Position of `elapsedtime` (x,y,z) *(required)
                    "longitude": 999.9999, // Position of `elapsedtime` (longitude) *(required)
                    "latitude": 99.999, // Position of `elapsedtime` (latitude) *(required)
  • format 2
[ // Simulation data format
    { // Define time and route for each operation unit (one operation)
      // (`departuretime`, `arrivaltime`, `elapsedtime` is UNIX time (second))
        "departuretime": 9999999999, // departuretime (sec) *(required)
        "arrivaltime": 9999999999, // arrivaltime (sec) *(required)
        "operation": [ // Define time and route for each operation unit (one operation) *(required)
            { // Defined by elapsed time
                "elapsedtime": 9999999999, // elapsedtime (sec) *(required)
                // Specified in `position` or `longitude-latitude` format
                "position": [999.9999, 999.9999, 999.9999], // Position of `elapsedtime` (x,y,z) *(required)
                "longitude": 999.9999, // Position of `elapsedtime` (longitude) *(required)
                "latitude": 99.999, // Position of `elapsedtime` (latitude) *(required)


The DepotsLayer will render depots or stations on a map.

<HarmoVisLayers ...
    new DepotsLayer( { depotsData: this.props.depotsData } )
DepotsLayer Properties
Properties PropTypes Default Description
depotsData Array required -- Harmoware-VIS state depotsData
layerRadiusScale Number option 1 Icon size scale
layerOpacity Number option 0.5 Icon opacity
getColor Function option x => x.color ││ DARKMAGENTA Icon color specification accessor
optionVisible Boolean option true Option information display availability
optionChange Boolean option false option Display pattern switching
lightSettings object option -- Required if optionVisible is set to true. Harmoware-VIS state lightSettings
optionOpacity Number option 0.25 option Information opacity
optionCellSize Number option 15 option information cell size
optionElevationScale Number option 1 option information elevation scale
getColor1~4 Function option x => (x.optColor && x.optColor[0~3]) ││ x.color ││ DARKMAGENTA option information color specification accessor
getElevation1~4 Function option x => (x.optElevation && x.optElevation[0~3]) ││ 0 option information elevation specification accessor
The JSON format of the depots data file
// Specified in `position` or `longitude-latitude` format
[   {   "position": [999.9999, 999.9999, 999.9999], // depots position (x,y,z)
[   {   "longitude": 999.9999, // depots position (longitude)
        "latitude": 99.9999, // depots position (latitude)


The MovesNonmapLayer will render moving objects and can be used with HarmoVisNonMapLayers

<HarmoVisNonMapLayers ...
    new MovesNonmapLayer( { routePaths: this.props.routePaths,
      movesbase: this.props.movesbase,
      movedData: this.props.movedData,
      clickedObject: this.props.clickedObject,
      actions: this.props.actions 
MovesNonmapLayer Properties
Properties PropTypes Default Description
movedData Array required -- Harmoware-VIS state movedData
movesbase Array required -- Harmoware-VIS state movesbase
actions object required -- Harmoware-VIS state actions
routePaths Array required -- Harmoware-VIS state routePaths
clickedObject Array required -- Harmoware-VIS state clickedObject
layerOpacity Number option 0.75 Icon opacity
getColor Function option x => x.color ││ GREEN Icon color specification accessor
getRadius Function option x => x.radius ││ 2 Icon radius specification accessor
The JSON format of the simulation data file
// bounds timeBegin timeLength movesbase
{   "timeBegin": 9999999999, // simulation start UNIX time (sec)
    "timeLength": 99999, // simulation span (sec)
    "movesbase": [ // Simulation data format *(required)
        { // Define time and route for each operation unit (one operation)
          // (`departuretime`, `arrivaltime`, `elapsedtime` is the elapsed time (sec) from timeBegin)
          // (When `timeBegin` is omitted, `departuretime`, `arrivaltime`, `elapsedtime` is UNIX time (second))
            "departuretime": 99999, // departuretime (sec) *(required)
            "arrivaltime": 99999, // arrivaltime (sec) *(required)
            "operation": [ // Define time and route for each operation unit (one operation) *(required)
                { // Defined by elapsed time
                    "elapsedtime": 99999, // elapsedtime (sec) *(required)
                    "position": [999.9999, 999.9999, 999.9999], // Position of `elapsedtime` (x,y,z) *(required)
[ // Simulation data format
    { // Define time and route for each operation unit (one operation)
      // (`departuretime`, `arrivaltime`, `elapsedtime` is UNIX time (second))
        "departuretime": 9999999999, // departuretime (sec) *(required)
        "arrivaltime": 9999999999, // arrivaltime (sec) *(required)
        "operation": [ // Define time and route for each operation unit (one operation) *(required)
            { // Defined by elapsed time
                "elapsedtime": 9999999999, // elapsedtime (sec) *(required)
                "position": [999.9999, 999.9999, 999.9999], // Position of `elapsedtime` (x,y,z) *(required)


The FixedPointLayer will render fixed objects and can be used with HarmoVisNonMapLayers

<HarmoVisNonMapLayers ...
    new FixedPointLayer( { depotsData: this.props.depotsData } )
FixedPointLayer Properties
Properties PropTypes Default Description
depotsData Array required -- Harmoware-VIS state depotsData
layerOpacity Number option 0.75 Icon opacity
getColor Function option x => x.color ││ DARKMAGENTA Icon color specification accessor
getRadius Function option x => x.radius ││ 2 Icon radius specification accessor
The json format of the fixed data file
// depotsData
[   {   "position": [999.9999, 999.9999, 999.9999], // display position (x,y,z) *(required)


The LineMapLayer will render flat lines joining pairs of source and target points and can be used with HarmoVisNonMapLayers

<HarmoVisNonMapLayers ...
        new LineMapLayer( { linemapData: this.props.linemapData } )
LineMapLayer Properties
Properties PropTypes Default Description
linemapData Array required -- Harmoware-VIS state linemapData
layerOpacity Number option 1.0 Line opacity
strokeWidth Number option 20 Line Width
getColor Function option x => x.color ││ WHITE Line color specification accessor
The json format of the line data file
// linemapData
[   { "sourcePosition": [999.9999, 999.9999, 999.9999], // line start position (x,y,z) *(required)
      "targetPosition": [999.9999, 999.9999, 999.9999], // line end position (x,y,z) *(required)

Harmoware-VIS Control component

Harmoware-VIS component list


The MovesInput will display a dialog to select the file for "moves base data". After reading the file, set it to Harmoware-VIS state as bounds, timeBegin, timeLength and movebase. Set the name of the input file with movesFileName in inputFileName.

<MovesInput actions={this.props.actions} />
MovesInput Properties
Properties PropTypes Default Description
actions object required -- Harmoware-VIS state actions
i18n Object option -- formatError caption i18n.formatError
id string option -- html tag attribute id
className string option -- html tag attribute class
style Object option -- html tag attribute style


The DepotsInput will display a dialog to select the file for "depots base data" , and set it to Harmoware-VIS state as depotsBase. Set the name of the input file with depotsFileName in inputFileName.

<DepotsInput actions={this.props.actions} />
DepotsInput Properties
Properties PropTypes Default Description
actions object required -- Harmoware-VIS state actions
i18n Object option -- formatError caption i18n.formatError
id string option -- html tag attribute id
className string option -- html tag attribute class
style Object option -- html tag attribute style


The LinemapInput will display a dialog to select the file for "line map data" and set it to Harmoware-VIS state as linemapData. Set the name of the input file with linemapFileName in inputFileName.

<LinemapInput actions={this.props.actions} />
LinemapInput Properties
Properties PropTypes Default Description
actions object required -- Harmoware-VIS state actions
i18n Object option -- formatError caption i18n.formatError
id string option -- html tag attribute id
className string option -- html tag attribute class
style Object option -- html tag attribute style


An icon representing loading is displayed in the center of the screen.

<LoadingIcon loading={this.props.loading} />
LoadingIcon Properties
Properties PropTypes Default Description
loading boolean required false Harmoware-VIS state loading
color string option 'white' loading icon color


The AddMinutesButton will add minutes to the Harmoware-VIS state

<AddMinutesButton addMinutes={5} actions={this.props.actions} />
AddMinutesButton Properties
Properties PropTypes Default Description
actions object required -- Harmoware-VIS state actions
children node required -- Button Caption
addMinutes number option 10 Time to add (min)
i18n Object option 'min' minutes caption i18n.minutesCaption
className string option 'harmovis_button' html tag attribute class


The ElapsedTimeRange will update settime. input[type="range"]

<ElapsedTimeRange settime={this.props.settime} timeLength={this.props.timeLength} actions={this.props.actions} />
ElapsedTimeRange Properties
Properties PropTypes Default Description
settime number required -- Harmoware-VIS state settime
timeLength number required -- Harmoware-VIS state timeLength
actions object required -- Harmoware-VIS state actions
min number option -100 Range(settime sec) minimum
step number option 1 Range include
id string option -- html tag attribute id
className string option harmovis_input_range html tag attribute class


The ElapsedTimeValue will update settime. input[type="number"]

<ElapsedTimeValue settime={this.props.settime} timeLength={this.props.timeLength} actions={this.props.actions} />
ElapsedTimeValue Properties
Properties PropTypes Default Description
settime number required -- Harmoware-VIS state settime
timeLength number required -- Harmoware-VIS state timeLength
actions object required -- Harmoware-VIS state actions
min number option -100 Range(settime sec) minimum
id string option -- html tag attribute id
className string option harmovis_input_number html tag attribute class


The PauseButton will update animatePause to true.

<PauseButton actions={this.props.actions} />
PauseButton Properties
Properties PropTypes Default Description
actions object required -- Harmoware-VIS state actions
children string option -- Button Caption
i18n Object option 'PAUSE' pauseButton caption i18n.pauseButtonCaption
className string option 'harmovis_button' html tag attribute class


The PlayButton will set animatePause to false.

<PlayButton actions={this.props.actions} />
PlayButton Properties
Properties PropTypes Default Description
actions object required -- Harmoware-VIS state actions
children string option -- Button Caption
i18n Object option 'PLAY' playButton caption i18n.playButtonCaption
className string option 'harmovis_button' html tag attribute class


The ForwardButton will update animateReverse to false.

<ForwardButton actions={this.props.actions} />
ForwardButton Properties
Properties PropTypes Default Description
actions object required -- Harmoware-VIS state actions
children node option -- Button Caption
i18n Object option 'FORWARD' forwardButton caption i18n.forwardButtonCaption
className string option 'harmovis_button' html tag attribute class


The ReverseButton will update animateReverse to true.

<ReverseButton actions={this.props.actions} />
ReverseButton Properties
Properties PropTypes Default Description
actions object required -- Harmoware-VIS state actions
children node option -- Button Caption
i18n Object option 'REVERSE' reverseButton caption i18n.reverseButtonCaption
className string option 'harmovis_button' html tag attribute class


Generate navigation buttons.

<NavigationButton actions={this.props.actions} viewport={this.props.viewport} />
NavigationButton Properties
Properties PropTypes Default Description
buttonType string required -- 'zoom-in'or'zoom-out'or'compass'
actions object required -- Harmoware-VIS state actions
viewport object required -- Harmoware-VIS state viewport
className string option 'harmovis_button' html tag attribute class


The SimulationDateTime will render the simulation-time. exp) 2018/02/21 (wed) 16:35:24

<SimulationDateTime timeBegin={this.props.timeBegin} settime={this.props.settime} />
SimulationDateTime Properties
Properties PropTypes Default Description
timeBegin number required -- Harmoware-VIS state timeBegin
settime number required -- Harmoware-VIS state settime
locales string option 'ja-JP' Argument of dateObj.toLocaleString
options object option { year:'numeric',month:'2-digit',day:'2-digit', hour:'2-digit',minute:'2-digit',second:'2-digit', weekday:'short' } Argument of dateObj.toLocaleString


The SpeedRange will update "Playback speed (sec/hour) (secperhour)". input[type="range"]

<SpeedRange secperhour={this.props.secperhour} actions={this.props.actions} />
SpeedRange Properties
Properties PropTypes Default Description
secperhour number required -- Harmoware-VIS state secperhour
actions object required -- Harmoware-VIS state actions
maxsecperhour number option 3600 Range maximum (Playback speed (sec/hour))
min number option 1 Range minimum
step number option 1 Range include
id string option -- html tag attribute id
className string option harmovis_input_range html tag attribute class


The SpeedValue will update "Playback speed (sec/hour) (secperhour)". input[type="number"]

<SpeedValue secperhour={this.props.secperhour} actions={this.props.actions} />
SpeedValue Properties
Properties PropTypes Default Description
secperhour number required -- Harmoware-VIS state secperhour
actions object required -- Harmoware-VIS state actions
maxsecperhour number option 3600 Range maximum (Playback speed (sec/hour))
min number option 1 Range minimum
step number option 1 Range include
id string option -- html tag attribute id
className string option harmovis_input_number html tag attribute class