A node.js learning note
Referencing: NodeJS Note
- a001_server.js: Create a basic HTTP server.
Using 'npm init' to initialize the project
- creating it's 'package.json'
Using 'npm adduser' to add a user of Git
Using 'npm publish' to publish my module on the Git
Using 'npm' to install a module 'express', which is a most popular web server architecture.
$ npm install express #local install
$ npm install express -g #global install
Using 'npm list -g' to observe global modules.
The 'package.json' is under 'node_modules/express/package.json' including
- name: module name
- version: module version
- description: module description
- homepage: module homepage URL
- author: module author name
- contributors: other contributors' name
- dependencies: dependencies of the module. They will be installed under the node_module automatically.
- repository: where the module saving. Git (github) or SVN
- main: program entry ('index.js' for default) of the module. require('moduleName') will load this file.
- keywords: keywords of the module
Using 'npm uninstall express' to uninstall the module
- but dependencies of it will not be uninstalled
Using 'npm update express' to update the module
Using 'npm search express' to search information of the module
- Using 'node' to start the node console
- Blocking instance: a002_blocking.js
- Un-blocking instance: a003_unblocking.js
- Events: a004_events.js