How to compile and run your program under android on pcDuino

  1. the old way, cross-comple command-line programs from PC. or build qt-android-apk with qcreator, please refer to: Write a Simple Command-Line Program to Control Hardware under Android on pcDuino Quick Start Guide on setup QT5 for Android on pcDuino

  1. compile you program on pcDuino (native compile)
  1. Get the toolchain and pcduino libs from

  2. Open Terminal APK, and run the following commands $ su

busybox tar zxvf pcduino-android-gcc-20131218.tgz -C /data/

busybox tar zxvf pcduino-android-arduino-20131218.tgz -C /data/

  1. write your code and save it(with busybox vi or other gui tools), for example /data/blink_led.c

#include <Arduino.h> int led_pin = 18; // pcduino TX LED

void setup() { pinMode(led_pin, OUTPUT); }

void loop() { digitalWrite(led_pin, HIGH); delay(1000); digitalWrite(led_pin, LOW); delay(1000); }

  1. compile and run before this step, run to setting up the enviroment

. /data/pcduino-android-gcc/

pcduino-cc blink_lec.c

target is blink_led run it: #./blink_led Press Ctrl + C to stop it!