
Clustering LHC detector hits by Hough projection, DBSCAN, classifier merging, outlier elimination and track extension

Primary LanguagePython


Useful scripts for Kaggle TrackML Particle Tracking Challenge

To explore what our universe is made of, scientists at CERN are colliding protons, essentially recreating mini big bangs, and meticulously observing these collisions with intricate silicon detectors.

While orchestrating the collisions and observations is already a massive scientific accomplishment, analyzing the enormous amounts of data produced from the experiments is becoming an overwhelming challenge.

Event rates have already reached hundreds of millions of collisions per second, meaning physicists must sift through tens of petabytes of data per year. And, as the resolution of detectors improve, ever better software is needed for real-time pre-processing and filtering of the most promising events, producing even more data.

To help address this problem, a team of Machine Learning experts and physics scientists working at CERN (the world largest high energy physics laboratory), has partnered with Kaggle and prestigious sponsors to answer the question: can machine learning assist high energy physics in discovering and characterizing new particles?

Team Members (in alphabetical order):

  • Tony Chen - Stevenson School
  • Alexander Liao - Kent School
  • Jiajun Mao - Kent School
  • Tianyi Miao - Indian Springs School
  • atom1231