
Run [kubernetes-bootcamp](https://kubernetes.io/docs/tutorials/kubernetes-basics/) with `MicroK8s` on Ubuntu 18.04.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Run kubernetes-bootcamp with MicroK8s on Ubuntu 18.04. The origin page is https://kubernetes.io/docs/tutorials/kubernetes-basics/. It use node:6.14.2 as base image, it's too bigger, see https://kubernetes.io/docs/tutorials/hello-minikube/

Setup Ubuntu 18.04

sudo snap install microk8s
sudo microk8s.enable registry
sudo apt install -q -y docker.io

/etc/docker/daemon.json is like the following

  "registry-mirrors": [
  "insecure-registries": [


docker-compose up -d --build
curl -sL http://localhost:8080
docker-compose logs node


Build and push images to MicroK8s’ built-in registry

bash build.sh
docker push localhost:32000/samples/kubernetes-bootcamp:v1
docker push localhost:32000/samples/kubernetes-bootcamp:v2

Module 2

kubectl create deployment kubernetes-bootcamp --image=localhost:32000/samples/kubernetes-bootcamp:v1

Setup proxy

echo -e "\n\n\n\e[92mStarting Proxy. After starting it will not output a response. Please click the first Terminal Tab\n"; kubectl proxy

Access the API server

curl http://localhost:8001/version
export POD_NAME=$(kubectl get pods -o go-template --template '{{range .items}}{{.metadata.name}}{{"\n"}}{{end}}')
echo Name of the Pod: $POD_NAME

Module 3 - Explore your app

Setup proxy

echo -e "\n\n\n\e[92mStarting Proxy. After starting it will not output a response. Please click the first Terminal Tab\n"; kubectl proxy
export POD_NAME=$(kubectl get pods -o go-template --template '{{range .items}}{{.metadata.name}}{{"\n"}}{{end}}')
echo Name of the Pod: $POD_NAME
curl http://localhost:8001/api/v1/namespaces/default/pods/$POD_NAME/proxy/

Module 4 - Expose your app publicly

kubectl get services
kubectl expose deployment/kubernetes-bootcamp --type="NodePort" --port 8080
kubectl get services

kubectl describe services/kubernetes-bootcamp
NODE_PORT=$(kubectl get services/kubernetes-bootcamp -o go-template='{{(index .spec.ports 0).nodePort}}')
curl http://localhost:${NODE_PORT}

kubectl describe deployment
kubectl get pods -l run=kubernetes-bootcamp
kubectl get services -l run=kubernetes-bootcamp

# Add a new label to pod
POD_NAME=$(kubectl get pods -o go-template --template '{{range .items}}{{.metadata.name}}{{"\n"}}{{end}}')
echo Name of the Pod: $POD_NAME
kubectl label pod $POD_NAME app=v1
kubectl describe pods $POD_NAME
kubectl get pods -l app=v1

Module 5 - Scale up your app

# Step 1: Scaling a deployment
kubectl get deployments
kubectl get rs
kubectl scale deployments/kubernetes-bootcamp --replicas=4
kubectl get deployments
kubectl get pods -o wide
kubectl describe deployments/kubernetes-bootcamp

# Step 2: Load Balancing
NODE_PORT=$(kubectl get services/kubernetes-bootcamp -o go-template='{{(index .spec.ports 0).nodePort}}')
for itr in $(seq 1 20); do curl http://localhost:${NODE_PORT}; done

# Step 3: Scale Down
kubectl scale deployments/kubernetes-bootcamp --replicas=2
kubectl get deployments
kubectl get pods -o wide

Module 6 - Update your app

# Step 1: Update the version of the app
kubectl get deployments
kubectl get pods
kubectl set image deployments/kubernetes-bootcamp kubernetes-bootcamp=localhost:32000/samples/kubernetes-bootcamp:v2

# Step 2: Verify an update
kubectl describe services/kubernetes-bootcamp
NODE_PORT=$(kubectl get services/kubernetes-bootcamp -o go-template='{{(index .spec.ports 0).nodePort}}')
curl http://localhost:${NODE_PORT}
kubectl rollout status deployments/kubernetes-bootcamp
kubectl describe pods

# Step 3: Rollback an update
kubectl set image deployments/kubernetes-bootcamp kubernetes-bootcamp=localhost:32000/samples/kubernetes-bootcamp:v10
kubectl get deployments
kubectl get pods
kubectl describe pods
kubectl rollout undo deployments/kubernetes-bootcamp
kubectl get pods
kubectl describe pods