
完整的原版transformer程序,complete origin transformer program

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0



The complete original version of the Transformer program, supporting padding operations, written in PyTorch, suitable for students who are new to Transformer. The code syntax is relatively simple.

I wrote this program to solidify my understanding of the Transformer and to demonstrate my ability to write code based on research papers.


完整的原版 Transformer 程序,支持 padding 操作,使用 PyTorch 编写,适合初次接触 Transformer 的同学,代码语法较为简单。

我写这个程序是为了巩固我对 Transformer 的理解,并且证明我有根据论文编写代码的能力。

Paper: Vaswani A, Shazeer N, Parmar N, et al. Attention is all you need[J]. Advances in neural information processing systems, 2017, 30.

Paper site: [https://proceedings.neurips.cc/paper_files/paper/2017/file/3f5ee243547dee91fbd053c1c4a845aa-Paper.pdf](Attention Is All You Need)

English Introduction

  1. Positional Encoding:

    • The code provides two methods for positional encoding: LearnablePositionalEncoding and PositionalEncoding.
    • LearnablePositionalEncoding learns positional embeddings as model parameters.
    • PositionalEncoding generates positional encodings using sine and cosine functions.
  2. Multi-Head Attention:

    • Implements multi-head attention mechanism.
    • Divides the input into multiple heads and computes attention separately for each head.
  3. Feedforward Network:

    • Defines a simple feedforward neural network with a ReLU activation function.
  4. Masking Functions:

    • Provides functions for generating attention masks to handle padding in sequences.
    • attn_mask(len) generates a mask to prevent attention to subsequent positions in the sequence.
    • padding_mask(pad_q, pad_k) generates a mask to prevent attention to padded elements in the sequence.
  5. Encoder and Decoder Layers:

    • Implements Encoder and Decoder layers, each containing multi-head attention and feedforward sub-layers.
    • The EncoderLayer applies self-attention followed by a position-wise feedforward network.
    • The DecoderLayer applies self-attention over the target sequence followed by cross-attention over the encoder output.
  6. Encoder and Decoder Stacks:

    • Constructs the encoder and decoder stacks using multiple layers of encoder/decoder blocks.
  7. Transformer Model:

    • Combines the encoder and decoder modules to form a complete Transformer model.
    • The model takes source and target sequences as input and outputs predicted target sequences.
    • Also provides a function get_mask to generate masks for handling padding during training.

Chinese Introduction

  1. 位置编码:

    • 代码提供了两种位置编码的方法:LearnablePositionalEncoding 和 PositionalEncoding。
    • LearnablePositionalEncoding 学习位置嵌入作为模型参数。
    • PositionalEncoding 使用正弦和余弦函数生成位置编码。
  2. 多头注意力:

    • 实现了多头注意力机制。
    • 将输入分成多个头,并为每个头单独计算注意力。
  3. 前馈网络:

    • 定义了一个简单的前馈神经网络,使用 ReLU 激活函数。
  4. 掩码函数:

    • 提供了用于生成注意力掩码以处理序列中填充的函数。
    • attn_mask(len) 生成一个掩码,防止对序列中后续位置的注意力。
    • padding_mask(pad_q, pad_k) 生成一个掩码,防止对序列中填充的元素的注意力。
  5. 编码器和解码器层:

    • 实现编码器和解码器层,每个层包含多头注意力和前馈子层。
    • EncoderLayer 应用自注意力,然后是位置逐元素前馈网络。
    • DecoderLayer 在目标序列上应用自注意力,然后是对编码器输出的交叉注意力。
  6. 编码器和解码器堆叠:

    • 使用多层编码器/解码器块构建编码器和解码器堆叠。
  7. Transformer 模型:

    • 将编码器和解码器模块组合成完整的 Transformer 模型。
    • 模型接受源序列和目标序列作为输入,并输出预测的目标序列。
    • 还提供了一个函数 get_mask,用于生成处理填充时所需的掩码。

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