
Git super project for libjingle build

Primary LanguageC

########### IMPORTANT ##########################
This project is obsoleted because of two reasons
1) There is an easy and generic way to build libjingle for android via GYP
   tools (see at the bottom of the page). But even if you know how to build
   binaries,  you still have to write jni-wrapper for java in order to
   create full featured android application. 

2) There is another project https://github.com/lukeweber/webrtc-jingle-client
   This project contains:
   A) native libjingle build script (build libjingle which use webrtcVoiceEngine)
   B) Extensible jni-api for libjingle
   C) Example application
   And all this stuff just works. Also Luke does good job, and regulary updates
   the project.  So I've switched to that project, and suggest you do the same
   and help us to make this project better.

Install depot_tools from here: http://dev.chromium.org/developers/how-tos/depottools
# mkdir libjingle
# cd libjingle 
# gclient config http://git.chromium.org/external/libjingle.git --name trunk
# gclient sync

# cd trunk
# export CHROME_SRC=`pwd`
# source build/android/envsetup.sh
# gclient runhooks
# make -j8

This is superproject git for libjingle build on android

# Fetch repo
# Important do not forget to initialize submodules
git clone git://github.com/dmonakhov/libjingle-android.git --recursive
# Build ndk
cd libjingle-android
cd jni
ndk-build -j8

Build options:
BUILD_UNITTEST: Compile with unittests, disabled by defaults