
Primary LanguageDockerfile

QUIP - QUantum mechanics and Interatomic Potentials

Docker image for getting you up and running quickly with QUIP!

The QUIP package is a collection of software tools to carry out molecular dynamics simulations. It implements a variety of interatomic potentials and tight binding quantum mechanics, and is also able to call external packages, and serve as plugins to other software such as LAMMPS, CP2K and also the python framework ASE. Various hybrid combinations are also supported in the style of QM/MM, with a particular focus on materials systems such as metals and semiconductors.


The libatomsquip/quip image (alternative) includes the base scientific stack and applications along with QUIP and quippy compiled with GAP support. Use of this image is restricted by a non-commercial licence agreement. The license terms are in the GAP repo.

The default command runs a Jupyter notebook server that can be used from your browser. The images should download automatically when you docker run but you will need to log in if you have access to the private image. A typical launch command might look like:

docker run -it -p 8899:8899 -v ~/Work/DockerHome:/root/ libatomsquip/quip
  • docker run runs a docker container. These are often ephemeral so unless you will be making permanent changes to the OS you can add --rm to remove the container when it is finished.
  • -it makes sure that the running container is accessible from a terminal and can interact with it.
  • -p 8899:8899 the Jupyter notebook is set to run on port 8899, this allows access to that port from outside the container. Access the notebook at http://localhost:8899/ in your browser. Note: by default this port will be exposed to all hosts, so if your machine in on a public IP address take care; you may wish to use e.g. -p to restrict to local connections.
  • -v ~/Work/DockerHome:/root/ makes the Work/DockerHome folder in your home directory become the $HOME directory of the docker user (root). This is the best way to make data available inside the container, and any changes that you want to keep after the container stops must be made in a mounted volume!

This command will start the jupyter notebook server. One useful workflow is to stop this first container, and then restart it with docker container start IMAGE, after which shells can be opened into it with docker exec -it IMAGE bash.

You can get a list of available containers and their labels (even stopped ones) by typing docker container ls -a. The hexademical labels can be replaced with the friendly names provided by docker, or even renamed to your own, e.g. docker container rename IMAGE quip after which you can refer to the container by use the quip label.

If you'd prefer to use a shell in the image right away, just add bash to the very end of the first run command.

Any any case, the first time you run a shell, you will be asked to agree to a license agreement (basically non-commercial use), by typing your email.


  • All programs will be added to the PATH, so commands like quip for QUIP and lmp_mpi for lammps work out-of the box.

  • Mount a volume as /root/ and use it to store customisations like .bashrc and keep your frequently used scripts and compiled programs. (default user is root, but this may change in future)

  • By mounting a volume as the home directory, you will only need to accept the GAP license the first time you create a container, not for every new one that starts.

Graphical Applications

There is no native support for a GUI in Docker, however X11 applications can be forwarded to the host machine with a few commandline options. Be aware that this also exposes the host Xserver to the container which may be considered a security risk.

docker run --rm -it -e DISPLAY -v $HOME/.Xauthority:/root/.Xauthority --net=host --ipc=host --pid=host -p 8899:8899 libatomsquip/quip bash 


Images contain a full scientific stack that includes compilers, Python 3 and Julia base image. This image adds:

  • QUIP with OpenMP parallelisation
  • QUIP programs compiled with MPI support (e.g. quip_mpi)
  • quippy - Python wrapper for QUIP (including AtomEye)
  • LAMMPS (MPI version) with QUIP integration and Python bindings

Python 2

The docker has now switched over the version 3 of python as of August 2019, when quippy became fully Python 3 compatible. You can check out the last version of the docker based on Python 2 by using the py2 tag. That version is fixed and will not be updated.

Building the image yourself

The Dockerfile file pulls in the QUIP source code from GitHub so it is fine to build that in place docker build . -t your_tag_here. Any changes that you make to the QUIP code will not be included in the image.

To modify QUIP in your image, or build your own image that includes GAP, copy Dockerfile.gap to the root directory of QUIP as Dockerfile and build from there. That build copies the contents of your own QUIP directory. You can customise your build by editing the file docker/arch/ALL_Makefile.linux_x86_64_gfortran.inc or adding your own Makefile.in into arch and changing the value of BUILD in the Dockerfile so it will build using your own customisations.


Singularity is a container ecosystem targeting scientific workflows on HPC. You can convert the QUIP Docker images to Singularity (SingularityHub no longer kept updated).