- 0
- 0
#21 opened by Luis-HCarvalho - 4
Can't clone wiki locally
#20 opened by JoseLuis-AL - 4
Error: E0513 a value of type "int" cannot be assigned to an entity of type "ALIEN_TYPE"
#19 opened by suverman - 3
- 4
- 2
- 1
- 2
Data privacy violation
#11 opened by hdlopesrocha - 1
- 1
- 2
- 4
- 2
Homebrew install failure
#9 opened by whittenjaw85 - 3
Wrong link on main site
#10 opened by aleus - 2
MacOS compile instructions need updating to show correct args to pkg-config
#7 opened by stephensmith9 - 1
unresolved reference with NuGet?
#6 opened by GrosserKaese - 31
Complete Vivace Tutorial
#1 opened by sethlivingston - 2
- 2
wiki is down
#4 opened by connorjclark - 2
- 2
Allegro quickstart tutorial 'Hello World' doesn't react to display close event
#2 opened by julia-bell