
Karate site for my learning (using Refinery CMS)

Primary LanguageRuby

Lib's Karate Site

I have created this site for two reasons:

  • to learn how to use RefineryCMS, building on my knowledge of Rails
  • to learn what I need to for my next couple of gradings in Seido Karate.

I also hope to use it to learn a lot more tech stuff, like vanilla javascript and maybe a framework, improve my ability to right CSS, possibly look at using Foundation.

I got started with this RefineryCMS app by following the guides - http://www.refinerycms.com/guides.

I originally started playing with the idea of a site like this by making a Rails app - https://github.com/libbyschuknight/libs_seido_guide. But very a number of reasons, including that I realised there was going to be a lot of content, I decided to start again with a Refinery CMS app.

There are many things I want to do - issues for first attempt are here https://github.com/libbyschuknight/libs_seido_guide/issues.