
my attempt at a console ruby hangman

Primary LanguageRuby

Some requirements for Ruby hangman

  • Write a hangman game (try writing some components test-first with RSpec)
  • Apply OO principles from POODR etc.
  • Group code reviews

User stories:

  • As a hangman player, I would like to be able to start a new game of hangman
  • As a hangman player, I would like to see some indication of how many letters there are in the word that I am supposed to guess
  • As a hangman player, I want to submit one letter guesses and be told whether my guess is either in the word, not in the word, or already guessed
  • As a hangman player, I want the game to handle bad input (like numbers, symbols, and letters I've previously guessed) gracefully and with an appropriate error message so that I am not punished unduly for mistakes
  • As a hangman player, I want to see the letters I've guessed correctly revealed on the hidden word that I am trying to guess so that I can guess the word more readily
  • As a hangman player, I want to see the letters I've guessed incorrectly so that I don't guess the same wrong letter again
  • As a hangman player, I would like to see how many lives are remaining
  • As a hangman player, I must have 1 life deducted every time I make an incorrect guess of a letter that I have not already guessed
  • As a hangman player, I want the game to end when I have run out of lives
  • As a hangman player, I want the game to end when I have guessed the full word