
Smooth kernel upgrades on Arch Linux (deprecated)

Primary LanguageShell


The Problem

I've noticed that things might randomly break after doing a kernel update on Arch Linux. The VPN won't start, or a dongle won't be detected, etc.

This happens because the kernel modules for the currently running version of the kernel get deleted with each upgrade. As a result drivers won't be able to load, and the only way to recover is to reboot the system and run the upgraded kernel.

The Solution

kmodguard is a utility that hooks to pacman and backs up the kernel modules before they get deleted, then places them in the correct path. Unused backups get deleted at boot using a systemd service. This allows for a fully usable system after a kernel update.


WARNING: This might break your system

  • Clone the repository
  • # make install
  • # systemctl enable kmodguard-clean.service