
HTTP Request Generator for RestTemplate

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


rest-request is a tool that makes it easy to create many parameters that need to be generated when using Spring Web's RestTemplate.

rest-request is inspired by Spring Webflux's WebClient, which similarly allows method-chaining methods to create HTTP Headers, Query Parameters, Form Data, Request Body, and more.

RestRequest<ResponseType> request = RestRequest.resp(ResponseType.class)
                                               .addHeader("X-Test-Header-Name", "XTestHeaderValue")
                                               .addParam("queryParamKey", "queryParamValue")
ResponsType response = restTemplate.exchange(request.getUri(),

As above, you can easily and readably generate all the information you need for RestTemplate.

How to create RestRequest

rest-request provides RestRequest object that creates request information, and generated in the following order:

1. Response Type

There are four types of responses:

    1. Preference : Map<String, Object>
    1. T type : Class<T>
    1. Generic T type : ParameterizedTypeReference<T>
    1. Void type : Class<Void>
// 1. Preference : Map<String, Object>

// 2. T type : Class<T>

// 3. Generic T type : ParameterizedTypeReference<T>
RestRequest.resp(new ParameterizedTypeReference<List<ResponseType>>(){})

// 4. Void type : Class<Void>

2. Request URI

The URI to request supports paramters of the java.net.URI or String type.

// java.net.URI type
URI uri = URI.create("http://www.api.com/resources");

// String type

3. HTTP Method

HTTP Method can be specified by a method name with an intuitive name. The methods that supports it are GET / POST / PUT / PATCH / DELETE. Here, the POST / PUT / PATCH method allows you to set the Request Body in the near time.

           .get() / .post() / .put() / .patch() / .delete()

4. HTTP Headers / Query Parameters / Form Datas / Request Body

Afterwards, you can set HTTP Headers, Query Parameters, Form Datas, and Request Body.

  • HTTP Header
    HTTP Header can be added as an addHeader(), accept(), contentType(), authorization(), basicAuth() and bearerToken() methods.
               .addHeader("headerName", "headerValue")
               .accept(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON)  // Support type : MediaType, String
               .contentType("application/json")     // Support type : MediaType, String
               .basicAuth("username", "password")
  • Form Parameter
    You can add Form Parameters with the addParam(), setParams() methods.
    If you previously specified get() / delete(), Query Parameter is generated, and if post() / put() / patch() is specified, Form Data is generated.
    If both Request Body and Form Parameter are set, they are generated as Query Parameters, even if post() / put() / patch() is specified.
    // Generate a Query Parameter
               .addParam("paramKey", "paramValue")  // Add Query Parameter : key-value
               .setParams(multiValueMap)            // Add Query Parameter : MultiValueMap<String, Object>
               .setParams(map)                      // Add Query Parameter : Map<String, Object>
               .setParams(object)                   // Add Query Parameter : Object
    // Generate Form Datas
               .addParam("paramKey", "paramValue")
  • Request Body
    You can set it as a body() method. (You can call the body() method only when specifying post() / put() / patch() methods.)
               .addParam("queryParamKey", "queryParamValue")  // Generate Query Parameter
  • Attach File
    You can set it as a addFile() method. The supported parameter types are File, Path, and MultipartFile. If the Content Type header is not set, it is automatically set to the value multipart/form-data.
               .addFile("file1", new File("test.txt"))
               .addFile("file2", Paths.get("test.txt"))
               .addFile("file3", multipartFile)
    If Request Body is set, it is set to multipart/mixed. However, since Request Body is set as a key called body in the form data, it is recommended to set it directly using addParam() if possible. (You can call the addFile() method only when specifying post() / put() / patch() methods.)
               .addParam("json", new ObjectMapper().writeValueAsString(body))
               .addFile("attach", Paths.get("test.txt"))

5. build()

Finally, call build() method to generate RestRequest.
RestRequest can load the following properties:

  • URI
  • HttpMethod
  • HttpEntity
  • Class<T>
  • ParameterizedTypeReference<T>
// Class<T> when specifying
RestRequest<ResponseType> request = RestRequest.resp(ResponseType.class)
ResponseType response = restTemplate.exchange(request.getUri(),

// ParameterizedTypeReference<T> when specifying
RestRequest<List<ResponseType>> request = RestRequest.resp(new ParameterizedTypeReference<List<ResponseType>>(){})
List<ResponseType> response = restTemplate.exchange(request.getUri(),


rest-request provides RestClientAdapter, a class that works with RestRequest and RestTemplate.
RestClientAdapter can be generated as a Bean in two ways:

public class WebConfig {
    public RestClientAdapter restClientAdapter() {
        return new DefaultRestClientAdpater();
    public RestClientAdapter restClientAdapter(final RestTemplate restTemplate) {
        return new DefaultRestClientAdapter(restTemplate);

DefaultRestClientAdapter default constructor is internally generated using new RestTemplate().
Or, if you have RestTemplate generated by Bean, you're injected with that RestTemplate.

RestClientAdapter can be used as follows:

public class WebService {
    private RestClientAdpater restClient;
    public ResponseEntity<Resource> getSome(ResourceDto dto) {
        return restClient.send(RestRequest.resp(Resource.class)
    public Optional<Resource> postSome(Resource resource) {
        return restClient.sendForBody(RestRequest.resp(Resource.class)

    public CompletableFuture<ResponseEntity<Resource>> getSomeAsync(ResourceDto dto) {
        return restClient.sendAsync(RestRequest.resp(Resource.class)

    public CompletableFuture<ResponseEntity<Resource>> getSomeAsync(ResourceDto dto, Executor executor) {
        return restClient.sendAsync(RestRequest.resp(Resource.class)


  • Java 8 or higher
  • Spring Web 5.3.25 or higher


  • Maven

  • Gradle

implementation 'io.github.libedi:rest-request:2.1.2'