
Front-end web development automation with node and gulp.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Front-end web development automation with node, gulp and compass.

What does it do

Optimizes images, concatenates and minifies JS, compiles and compresses SCSS with libsass and handles spriting with compass.


You need nodeJS and ruby compass. With npm added to your PATH environmental variables, the following command:

  • npm install

Example File Structure

├── js
│   ├── _vendor
│   │   └── [vendor js files...]
│   ├── scripts.js (included and contactenated scripts)
│   ├── _included.js (included in the file above with gulp-include)
│   └── single-script.js (a single script file)
└── scss
    ├── _vendor
    │   └── [vendor scss files...]
    ├── styles.scss (included and contactenated styles)
    ├── _included.scss (included in the file above with sass @import)
    └── single-style.scss (a single style file)


Install and run gulp.